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Quick Games to Play in the Classrooms – Fun Games For All Ages (2024)

Enhance class participation with engaging quick games to play in the classrooms – ideal for maintaining focus and keeping students actively involved!

To improve class participation, do you need to poll the students? Check out the instructions for gathering anonymous AhaSlides feedback! No matter their age, students all share the same trait: they have limited attention spans and can’t concentrate for very long. They could start squirming, staring at the ceiling, or asking irrelevant questions after just 30 minutes of the lesson.

quick games to play in the classrooms

Let’s get started, since learning through entertaining games is much simpler than learning through dry lessons. This post will cover games for kids of all ages, quick games to play in classrooms, fun games to play in classrooms, including games for high school students.

Advantages of Playing Games in Class

Games to Have Fun With in Class-Whether it’s online or off, playing some entertaining class games has value. The following are five advantages of including games in your lecture more frequently:

According to a University of Wisconsin study, playing a few enjoyable school games significantly increases pupils’ attentiveness. Attentiveness would undoubtedly grow as a result. It’s hardly rocket science to figure out that your pupils enjoy playing games in class because these activities are frequently fun and demand a lot of concentration to succeed.

Motivation: When a lecture or class includes a pleasant activity, pupils tend to look forward to it. And if they’re driven, they can go over even the toughest educational challenges.

Collaboration: By playing team or pair games in the classroom, your kids will eventually learn how to collaborate and get along, since there are no right or wrong choices, just reachable objectives at the finish line.

Sentiment: Playing games with your pupils is a wonderful way to develop close relationships with them. They’ll believe you’re the “cool teacher” who understands how to create a friendly atmosphere and have fun in addition to teaching dull subjects.

Reinforcement of learning: The main goal of classroom games is for the pupils to learn using unconventional teaching techniques. Your pupils will develop pleasant memories of the learning process if you turn difficult material into something fun. These memories are considerably simpler to recollect during tests.

Students’ Fun Games

Fun Games to Play in Class in an Online Classroom

It is not easy to struggle through the mute abyss of a virtual class. Thankfully, very enjoyable computer games to play at school have have come to the rescue! With the help of this engagement first aid pack, you can revive the classroom environment and leave your kids with the biggest smiles.

Live Quiz

Lessons are made simple with quizzes. They aid in lesson retention and stoke pupils’ competitiveness, something the conventional pen-and-paper technique is unable to do. You can test out a tonne of interactive online tests like Kahoot, Quizizz, AhaSlides, Quizlet, etc. Select the option that best matches your budget and strategy, and then start providing your class with a wonderful experience. 


Games to Have Fun With in Class – Charades is a fun physical game to fulfil your kids’ needs to move around when confined in front of a computer screen, whether it be online or off.

The students may work in groups or pairs. A word or phrase will be provided to the students to show through movements, and their teammates will have to make an educated guess as to what it is based on that description.

Time to Climb

A game to play at school when you’re bored without a doubt! Particularly the younger students, the students adore this game. We’ve heard from a few instructors that their students urge them to play Time to Climb in class, and if you read the game’s instructions, you’ll realise that it’s the whole shebang and complete educational candy for kids.

With the help of the game, your ordinary multiple-choice exam will be transformed into a fun, engaging game in which the students can pick their own characters and climb the mountain by providing the fastest accurate response.

Fun Games to Play in the ESL Classroom

Check out the challenging classroom games at Best Totally English Games! Games to Have Fun With in Class – It takes twice as much effort to translate words and meanings while learning a second language, which may explain why your class seems trapped in place. If you apply these icebreakers in your ESL class, “timid” or “shy” won’t exist in your students’ lexicon.

Fun Class Activities: Tell Me Five

You may create your own rules for this straightforward vocabulary study game. Give each group of pupils in your class a category (such as pizza toppings) and divide the class into groups. They will have 20 seconds to write down five items that fit that category on the board (for example, cheese, mushrooms, ham, bacon and corn are pizza toppings). 

Let the students use a whiteboard tool in a virtual class to write five items from the category. It’s a race to see who can move the fastest!

Fun Class Activities: Show and Tell

Your kids’ ability to use sophisticated vocabulary in their writing is fantastic, but can they do the same while speaking?

You assign children a topic to work on in Show & Tell, such as their preferred food. Each participant will be required to bring a related object and share a memory or a story about it.

You may let the students vote and compete for various rewards, such as the best storyteller, best tale plot, funniest story, etc., to spice up the game.

Fun Class Activities –Word Chain

With this straightforward, no-prep game, you may test your kids’ word knowledge. Throw a ball to a pupil after coming up with a word, like “bee,” and they will come up with another word that begins with the last letter, “e,” like “emerald.” When someone in the class is unable to yell the subsequent word quickly enough, they will continue the word chain without that person and restart.

You may create a theme and urge students to only use words that fall into that category if you’re teaching at a more advanced level. The players should proceed with animal terms like “goat” or “goose” if your subject is “animal” and the first word is “dog,” for instance. If the category is too narrow, this fast classroom game becomes quite challenging.

Fun Class Activities –Word Jumble Race

Practise tenses, word order, and grammar with Word Jumble Race.

It’s fairly easy. Cut up some phrases into a handful of words beforehand, then divide your class into smaller groups and give each group a batch of words. Each group will scramble to arrange the words correctly when you shout “GO!”

You may easily shuffle the words using an online quiz tool, or you can print out the phrases to use in class.

Here’s how Internet amusing games for the classroom function.

  • Create a presentation on AhaSlides using a free account, then select the “Correct Order” slide.
  • Add the sentence’s words. For your players, each one will be shuffled at random.
  • Decide on a time frame.
  • To your pupils, present.
  • They communicate on their phones and compete to sort the words as quickly as possible!
Child learning the alphabet on the tablet

Fun Class Activities – Pictionary

It’s time for their students to put their doodling abilities to the test.

It’s quite easy to play Pictionary in class. One is chosen to read the prepared word, and they have 20 seconds to quickly draw it. When there is no more time, people will have to make educated guesses based on the doodle.

Depending on the pupils’ skill levels, you may let them play in teams or alone and adjust the difficulty. Use the Zoom whiteboard or one of the many fantastic, free Pictionary-style applications available to play Pictionary online.

Fun Class Activities – Word Scramble

Nothing is more fun than trying to decipher what the words mean after they have been scrambled. You might prepare several Word Scramble worksheets with various themes, such as stationery, holidays, and animals, and distribute them in class. The first student to correctly decode every word will be declared the winner.

Fun Class Activities – Guess the Secret Word

How can you aid the pupils in learning new terms to memorise? Play Guess the Secret Word, a game of word association.

Consider a term, then give the pupils several words that are related to it. To attempt to predict the term you’re thinking about, they will have to use the vocabulary they already know.

For instance, you may say “pink” if the hidden word was “peach”. Then you would tell them it’s unrelated if they guessed “flamingo” or a similar word. But you may let them know that terms like “guava” are related to the secret word when they utter them.

Fun Class Activities – Stop the Bus

Another enjoyable game for vocabulary review in class is this one.

Prepare some categories or subjects, such as verbs, clothing, transportation, colours, etc., that include the target vocabulary your children have been studying to get you started. Select a letter from the alphabet after that. Your students, which need to be split into teams, will have to swiftly compose each word from each category that starts with that particular letter. They must cry “Stop the bus!” once they have finished all of the lines.

Three categories, for instance, are cakes, nations, and clothes. “C” is the letter you decide to use. The pupils will have to develop something along these lines:

(Apparel) corset

Canada (nation-states)

(Cakes) cupcakes

Board games for classes

Board games are excellent teaching tools. Through productive competition, they improve pupils’ teamwork and language abilities. Here are a few simple games to play in class, including every board game that can be played by players of all ages both physically and online.

Fun Class Activities –Hedbanz

Hedbanz, which was adapted from the beloved family board game, is a great mood booster and a breeze to play. Print up several cards that fall into the categories of an animal, food, or item, and then affix them on the foreheads of your kids. Before the time runs out, they will need to ask “Yes” or “No” questions to determine what the cards are. For Hedbanz, playing in pairs is ideal.

Fun Class Activities –Boggle

The object of the word-finding game Boggle is to locate as many words as you can on a 16-letter grid. How many words can your pupils create on the grid using the directions up, down, left, right, and diagonal?

Online, there are a tonne of free Boggle templates for both traditional classroom settings and distant learning. After the lesson, stack some up and distribute them to your pupils.

Fun Class Activities – Apples to Apple

Apples to Apples is a humorous board game that is great for helping youngsters expand their vocabulary. There are two different categories of cards: Things (which typically contain a noun) and Descriptions (which do).

You, the instructor, have the discretion to select the Description card. The pupils will attempt to choose the card that best fits that description out of the seven they have in their possession. They may keep the Description card if you find that comparison to be favourable. The player who accumulates the most Description cards at the end of the game is the winner.

Educational Math Games

Has mathematics ever been enjoyable to learn? With these quick yet effective maths activities, we dare to say YES because your children will undoubtedly add maths to their list of all-time favourite subjects. Additionally, it is supported by scientific research that games-based activities included in courses increase interest in arithmetic. Look it up!

Mathematical version of “Would You Rather?”

Which cookie bundle would you want to purchase—one with 12 cookies for $3 or one with 10 for $2.60?

We do enjoy cookies, but I’m not sure what your pupils will select as an answer. Students are given a scenario with two options in the traditional version of the Would You Rather game. They will have to make a decision and then provide a logical justification for it. In the math version, all students play simultaneously and compete to select the best offer out of two possibilities.

The game may be used as a short icebreaker or class conclusion both online and offline. Let’s use AhaSlides to play Would You Rather!

101 and out

Have you ever worried that the end of your mathematical sessions may be a little flat? Why not start a few games of 101 and out, a game where the objective is to go as near to the number 101 as you can without going over? Group your students into smaller groups and prepare a spinning wheel that represents a set of dice (yes, we realise that not every class has some available).

Each group will spin the wheel once, and then they may either add the number up or multiply it by 10. For instance, if they roll a 5, they can decide to keep it or change it to 50 to reach 101 more quickly.

Give an unusual multiplication number, like 7, to older pupils to make judgements more challenging.

Guess my number

Which number, from 1 to 100, comes to mind? Students will have to guess the number they are thinking of in the game “Guess my number.” This maths game will help everyone improve their logical reasoning skills. They may inquire “Is it an odd number?” “Is it in the nineties?” or “Is it a multiple of 5?” and you may just respond “Yes” or “No” without providing any further information.

Ideas for Classroom Competitions

With the few recommendations listed below, classroom competitions may be a fun way to engage kids, promote collaboration, and create a pleasant learning environment.

Divide the students into teams and hold a tournament modelled around a quiz bowl. Make a list of questions on diverse subjects and provide points for accurate responses. Students are urged to study and refresh the topic because this competition assesses knowledge and fosters friendly rivalry.

Spelling Bee: Arrange a contest where pupils have to spell words aloud one at a time. Give a list of terms with varying levels of difficulty. This contest enhances people’s vocabulary and spelling.

Debate competition: Choose your debate themes or assign them to the students. Divide the class into teams and hold a debating competition in the form of a tournament. Encourage your kids to speak out politely and efficiently while making their points. Enhancing persuasive, public speaking, and critical thinking abilities with this practice.

Math Olympics: Make mathematical challenges or problem-solving assignments that teams must complete in a set amount of time to compete in the maths Olympics. Points are given for finishing activities or providing accurate replies. Through this competition, mathematical proficiency and critical thinking are improved.

Science Fair: Give students time to do experiments or study a specific scientific subject for the science fair. Organise a science fair where students exhibit their research and contend for prizes for originality, use of the scientific method, and presenting abilities.

Spelling Relay: The class should be divided into teams for the spelling relay. The first student in each queue must properly spell the word that the teacher spells out. If they spell it correctly, they are seated and the subsequent student in the queue is given a new word. The winning team is the one whose players are all seated first.

Students can enter a short story or essay in a creative writing contest by being given a writing prompt or topic to write about. Based on originality, ingenuity, and writing prowess, score and honour submissions. This contest fosters originality and strengthens writing skills.

We hope you found these insights on “quick games to play in the classrooms” helpful. Elevate classroom engagement and make learning enjoyable with these interactive activities! 🎯📚

