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11 Top Data Science Blogs to Follow

Data science has an impact on everyone’s lives, whether they are practitioners or unsuspecting recipients of data scientists’ efforts. Assuming you fall into the former category, or at least aim to do so, here are 11 data science blogs that will help you enjoy anything data science related.

IT Support

Diversifying Your Income As A Freelancer

With tech and creative industries booming, there are an estimated 2.7 million self-employed workers in Canada. But for freelancers, the journey to financial stability often hinges on the ability to

 Crafting Your Law Firm’s Marketing Plan

The correct marketing strategy can significantly change a law firm’s visibility and standing in the market. Yet, defining the best approach to take advantage of can be bewildering, particularly in

Top AI Tools for Architectural Design and Rendering

Architectural rendering is not an unfamiliar notion. Italian architects like Leon Batista Alberti, Filippo Brunelleschi, and Donato Bramante communicated their designs with axonometric sketches and carefully hand-drawn perspectives during the

Best Action-RPG Games Like Dragon’s Dogma 2

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is an interactive open-world role-playing game that expands on its predecessor, Dragon’s Dogma, which was released over a decade ago. Capcom clearly went all out when designing