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How To Fix Chromebook Touchpad Not Working Issue

Chromebooks are excellent tools for completing activities and keeping connected. However, a Chromebook touchpad not working issue can ruin your day. You might even believe your Chromebook is frozen and must be fixed. You can try a few different things to resolve the problem.

There are several potential causes for a Chromebook touchpad to quit functioning. The physical operation of the touchpad can be hampered by dirt and dust on or under it. The pointer may cease moving due to frozen or broken software. There may be a key combination on some Chromebooks that will disable the touchpad.

A solid fix for a broken touchpad can also be a practical diagnostic step. Use your Chromebook’s touchscreen to navigate (if available) or connect an external mouse. If one of those works, the issue is isolated to the touchpad and isn’t indicative of a more severe problem with the Chromebook.

How to Fix Chromebook Touchpad Not Working Issue

How to Fix Chromebook Touchpad Not Working Isuses

You can begin debugging the touchpad issue if you are certain it is only a touchpad issue and not a larger issue with your Chromebook. You can try the following potential fixes:

Samsung Chromebook For Kids

Clean Chromebook Touchpad

Verify that the touchpad is free of debris and dust. Maybe it needs a good cleaning. Use a soft cloth to remove any dirt or dust off the touchpad, just like you would when cleaning a laptop physically. Additionally, blow anything in the cracks or under the touchpad out with a can of compressed air.

Drum your Touchpad 😉

Ten seconds of drumming using your fingertips on the touchpad. When you tap the touchpad with your fingers, vibration is produced that can shake loose dust particles and move them out of the way.

Escape Roulette on Chromebook Touchpad

Numerous times, press the Esc key. Pressing Esc halts the loading of the current page. The procedure can be stopped and everything can return to normal by repeatedly pressing Esc if something on the page is causing your computer to act up or freeze.

Hard Restart Your Chromebook

Turn the Chromebook back on. Give the Chromebook a full minute to turn off after pressing and holding the Power button, then turn it back on. A restart can solve a variety of computer issues.

Hard Reset The Chromebook

Activate a hard reset. The files on your Chromebook are unaffected by a hard reset, although it can address a number of issues. Hold down the Power button until the Chromebook shuts down, then simultaneously press the Power and Refresh buttons to restart and reset the device.

Follow The Chromebook Gods

Consult the Chromebook user guide. On some Chromebooks, the touchpad can be disabled using the function keys. Samsung Chromebook touchpad troubles could be brought on by this. The touchpad may have accidentally been switched off, in which case all you need to do is turn it back on.

Chromebook Touchpad Settings

Modify the touchpad’s operation. Turn off tap-to-click, touchpad acceleration, and touchpad speed by going to Settings > TouchPad. Changing that behavior could make the touchpad functional once more.

Multi-account Chromebook Needs Cleanup

Take the problematic user account off the Chromebook. If your Chromebook has multiple accounts, try deleting the problematic account or switching to a new account to see if it helps. The majority of Chromebooks only function in the cloud and online. Back up any locally saved files before deleting the account if you have any.

If all fails… Consult a Chromebook Repair Professional

Consult a repair professional. Have the physical components examined by a professional. If none of these solutions work, your Chromebook can be broken or irreparably damaged. If so, you might consider getting a new Chromebook rather than keeping your old one. At least there are a number of excellent models available, and their price is reasonable when compared to other laptops.