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How To Install Java Apps & Games In Samsung Star S5230 & S5230W

We have already released before about How to install Java games & apps in Samsung Sta 3G S5603/ 5600 Preston, & this time after very long chain of comments I have recognized that I should post for How to install java games & apps in Samsung Star S5230, Star Wifi S5230W, S5233, and many basic similar versions. And this is totally for all you guys.Follow the step by step tutorial as follows to install external third party java games in your Samsung star cellphone.

Samsung Star S5230 & STar Wi Fi: How To Install Java Apps & Games

1.First download a java game compatible for your phone.

2.Create a jad file using JADMaker Download JadMaker from games & software section).

3.Just drag and drop your .jar file and the jad maker will automatically make the .jad file.

4. Connect the phone to PC and start “Samsung New PC Studio”. Open the File browser and go to “External Memory”. Create a directory there e.g games

Then copy the .jar and .jad files into that folder.

6.Disconnect the phone from PC now.

7. Go to Menu -> Browse -> Enter URL
Type ->

8 .Browse down and you will see “Quick Download” it. Then enter quick download code as 51799 . Download and install it. Exit from browser.

9. Go to Menu -> Applications -> Games and more -> LiteFTP

You will be in LiteFTP menu, Select Mmc (Memory card) and click OK.

11.You should be able to see the folders in memory card. Select games folder (dont enter it) and press “123” button. Then press “1” (This will copy the game folder). Select “Back”. You should be back in “root” directory.

12.n root directory you will see a folder with  do not enter symbol named “My PrivateMy PhotoMy Video …….”. Select it and press OK to enter it.

13.There will be nothing in the folder. Now paste the game folder. So press “3” to paste.
Exit the LiteFTP.

14. Open “Keypad” and type     *#6984125*#

This will automatically open “Admin setting”

Select “4 Internals” and enter  *#9072641*# , And confirm.

This will take you to “Internals” menu.

Select “6 Storage settings”.

15. Select “2 Update media database”
then select “3 Update Java DB”
then select “10 Create Ax Dat File”
Exit from all those menus.

16.Now you have to go to Menu -> Applications -> “Games and more” You should be able to see new icon “LiteFTP/files/Erix”.

Rename it if you want to.

And you can enjoy your games in the same folder. Have fun & do comment if any problem occurs.

46 Responses

  1. Hi Amol,

    I have a Samsung Star (S5233W) and I tried to install games following the steps mentioned above. While doing the same, it came to light that
    -> LiteFTP is not a freeware
    -> no longer lists the same
    -> I am trying the same using BlueFTP

    It would be really helpful, if you can let me know that the above steps would still remain valid. Also can we use TKFileExplorer instead?



  2. Hi Amol,

    I found out another FTP program for doing the same activity. It is called MiniCommander and is available at GetJar.

    Just that you need to copy the files to a folder named “/filesystem”

    Was able to successfully list out games but could not make them work. (Dunno why)

    Anyways, thanks for the post.



  3. its same with me,

    8 .Browse down and you will see “Quick Download” it. Then enter quick download code as 51799 . Download and install it. Exit from brows”

    51799 code is not valid

  4. Hey there,
    Just want to say thanks for the very detailed steps on your blog. They really helped alot. I can finally use the apps on my S5603.

  5. Hey , amol,
    CAn u plz solve my problem of s5233?

    I cant find a way to use 3rd party software after spending so much, I feel screwed after spending that much and not using any 3rd party software………….

    CAn u plz list how to install themes and games in this mobile. It will be very helpful……..

    My mail is [email protected]

  6. Hi Amol,

    One can use ‘Ultimate File Explorer’ with quick download code being 043199. All the steps remain same as mentioned by you with the only change being copying the folder into a folder called “/filesystem”.



        1. when i’m ready to download it,it always says “memory could not read.”what am i supposed to do?

        2. hi buddy..!!!
          its a gr8 method …
          but i m unable to transfer jar file..
          an error is occuring in between…
          so plz can u help..??? if possible send it through mail ..!!! i ll b waiting..!!

  7. amol were do i find games and applications compatible for my sat 3-g gt-s5603. can u mail me the link pls

  8. hay guys , i got liteftp installed in my phone and also did all the process , but the thing is *#6984125*# code is not working in my phone ! y is it like this ? is there any way that this code can work in my phone ??????

      1. It’s still available as a trial version elsewhere on the net, search for “LiteFTP mobile” on your phone.

    1. The direct Admin Unlock ought to work:

      ) For the Admin Settings menu, enter
      2) Then for the Internals menu, select “Internals” and enter

      1. Yes, these work indeed. Thank you! Making tkfile explorer not to crash is another thing though…

  9. Detailed Guide on installing Games and Apps for S5233/S5230
    (Note: Tried it myself may time. Works perfectly).

    I am assuming you have the game you want to install with you. In this example I downloaded Erix.jar game. And created jad file using JADMaker (Google for JadMaker, to download it). Using JADMaker you need to create “.jad” file. Now I have “Erix.jad” and “Erix.jar” files.

    Connect the phone to PC and start “Samsung New PC Studio”
    Open the File browser and go to “External Memory”. Create a directory there (Name it anything you want your game name to be).

    I will be creating a directory called “Erix”. Then copy the Erix.jar and Erix.jad files into that folder. Disconnect the phone from PC now.

    Got to Menu -> Browse -> Enter URL

    Type -> “”

    Browse down and you will see “Quick Download”. Click it. Then enter quick download code as 51799 . Download and install it. Exit from browse.

    Go to Menu -> Applications -> Games and more -> LiteFTP

    You will be in LiteFTP menu

    Select Mmc (Memory card) and click OK. It will be at end.

    You should be able to see the folders in memory card. Select Erix folder (dont enter it) and press “123” button. Then press “1” (This will copy the Erix folder). Select “Back”. You should be back in “root” directory.

    In root directory you will see a folder with “dont enter” symbol named “My PrivateMy PhotoMy Video …….”. Select it and press OK to enter it.

    There will be nothing in the folder. Now paste the Erix folder. To do so press “3” to paste.
    Exit the LiteFTP.

    Open “Keypad” and type “*#6984125*#” (Without quotes)

    This will automatically open “Admin setting”

    Select “4 Internals” and enter “*#9072641*#” (without quotes). And confirm.

    This will take you to “Internals” menu. Select “6 Storage settings”.

    Select “2 Update media database”
    then select “3 Update Java DB”
    then select “10 Create Ax Dat File”

    Exit from all those menus.

    Now go to Menu -> Applications -> “Games and more” You should be able to see new icon “LiteFTP/files/Erix”. Rename it if you want to. Then start the game.

    All Games and Software’s installed in this way will be located in Menu -> Applications -> “Games and more”


  10. “51799 is not valid” is the error message i receive…Can u suggest me some other way??

  11. I don’t really understand why people need this How To? Just put .jar on memory card, then install on your S5230W… even if it says unsigned licensed, continue… &njoy!!!
    not hard at all…

  12. Hey .. i just wanted to know .. do we have to repeat the same everytime we want a new application?

  13. hey ppl i face te same prob of downloading lite ftp wit tat code or by search…help me out n ya i use s5233w airtel network

  14. Hey Amol, I face te same prob of downloading lite ftp wit tat code or by search…help me out n ya i use s5233w airtel network TANKS

  15. Hi

    Can you help me !
    How i can install GPS App. on 5233A star
    Where i can find Jar @ Jad files of GPS app. such as Trek Buddy.




    THANKq IN ADVANCE… [email protected]

  17. hello! do u have mobile games or sites that i can download for my samsung corby wifi s3653w? thanks!!

  18. After a lot of research, the best fully working method that I have found in order to install java games to an S5230 is using this little program called html generator. You can download it from here

    Just open your .jar game with this program and it will generate an html file. Copy the generated .html file along with the .jar to your phone using Samsung’s New PC Studio to any location (preferably “other files” if you have no sd card) and open the html file through your phone. Your game will be installed without any further fuss! No tkfile explorer crashing, no searching for codes, no need to mess with the firmware. It’s that simple!

  19. wonderful i am going to try this procedure, its a bit lengthy but if someone wants apps and games, has to do this……thanks

  20. i installes LITE FTP and games*apps are working on my phone, but im unable to install firmware on my phone with lite ftp. i have files of firmware and multiloader on my pc,so please help me in installing firmware

  21. Hi in samsung chat jar files space is only 5mb can we increase it,like installing in external memory! nothing can be installed in such a small space

  22. HI amol I have samsung chat dual sim model can you please tell me how can i install the games and theme’s

  23. hey amol..
    r d steps same for samsung chat 322 mobile phone also..
    i can install games..
    but dey get installed in phone memory ..
    how do i install dem in Memory card..??