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FolderWatch App Review – Monitor and Sync Folders On your Mac OS

We have seen interesting application coming form Apple Mac app store for your OS X machine recently &  I recently used this great application called FolderWatch. This app will let you sync & monitor any folder on your Mac, which is quite beneficial for several purposes.

This app can keep a copy of your files on a different machine automatically & that folders can be synchronized to publicly accessible  servers also. This app is very simple to use and understand & must have for every Mac user.

Folder Watch App For Mac OSX

Syncing the folders, gievs you power to carry your data with your other machines on the go. The difference that makes FolderWatch app so good, is its capability of updating the changes in the source folder very quickly.

All you got to do is click on Add button > specify the source > Specify the destination folders & click Start.

And your all files in the folders will get updated real quick & it adopts all the changes in the files also. You can get same same feature for multiple machines too.

So in this FolderWatch App review,  we would recommend this app to users who carries away data frequently & need it on the go.