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5 Things You Should Avoid Writing on Facebook !!

Facebook is now become a day to day part of every geeks life.

Its like an Online Identity Document for Some, Online Entertainment for Some and is a Place to Connect Socially for Some.

Everyone uses Facebook in their own different way and Facebook have its own different ways of usage.

So, here in the Social Environment Everyone need to behave and have to be in some limit and in their control to get away from getting frustrated and to be away from useless troubles.

5 Things You Should Avoid Writing on Facebook !!

Here are the 5 Things You Should Avoid Writing on Facebook :

1 – That Your Job Sucks.

You may someday write it teasingly or just as a lame Update but if your BOSS takes it Seriously then you will be getting FIRED the very next moment.

2 – That You HATE Your Ex.

To be in Emotion is a Good thing for some and good at times for some. These kinda Updates can create very much more misunderstandings between you and your Ex partner and also some kinda abusing Updated which can end up suing you.

3 – That you’re going on vacation and then give the dates you’re away.

This will lead you to loose many priceless things and also a Good Sum from your safes at home. I mean to say You can be ROBBED cos according to a new survey and study it is found that the Modern Thieves Scan all the Social Networking Profiles before Hitting their Plan..!!

4 – That you love yourself.

Lol.. This is the Biggest Mistake you are doing and in return you are loosing your Fan Following. This Indicates that you are your Biggest Fan and this creates insecurities as your fans think exactly the Opposite.

5 – That you’re mean.

Saying mean things about people can only make you undesirable-for potential employers, dates, friends and strangers.

So folks.. These are the 5 most important things you must never Update on your Facebook Profile also REMEMBER that..

“The important thing to remember about social networks is that although you have the option to delete your comments, sometimes it can be too late. It’s immediate and someone might’ve laid eyes on it before your retraction.”

(*Found Somewhere on Yahoo)

One Response

  1. It is better to control your privacy setting before posting anything that can make you embarrass in eyes of your family. Or posting something against the boss for amusement of  your work mates.