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How To Get Google Music Outside United States

Few days back, the most popular search Engine Company Google came up in the clouds with the beta version its music service; the Google Music. However people in the United States only got the privilege to access it, as it was only made live in US. We are already aware, how music lovers are and how eager they might be to upload their favorite music on the cloud and listen to it on their Android.

If you are not in United States and still willing to use the services of Google music then here are few simple tricks that will work for you to do the same, although you will not be able to purchase any music as of now until Google make this service officially available for the global audience. You can however upload you favorite music to the cloud. For the time being every user will get the privilege to upload maximum 20,000 songs.

For accessing the Google music from any corner of the world, the technique is quite simple. You just have to fool the Google and have to make it believe that you are a folk from US by using US IP address. This will let you bypass the IP filtration and detection algorithm of Google.

How To Use Google Music Outside Te United States (US)

Here are the easy steps to be followed to access the Google Music from any corner outside the United States.

Step 1: For doing this, you need to use TOR which is a competent proxy software application. You also have to devote some time to edit files and to play around with the application to understand it in-depth. For accessing the Google Music on your Android device, you also have to install the Google Music app on your handset which you can get by searching it on Google. For downloading the Tor Browser you can use this link.

Tor Browser

After installation you will see the kind of interface shown in above picture.

Step 2: Configuring and using the Tor is quite simple. Just start the Tor and you will find the ‘Vidalia control panel’, wait until it gets connected and then select the option ‘View the network’. After this you will see a new dialog box, having country flags on the left hand side. Select the US flag and right click on it. Now select the copy and click on fingerprint option.

Step 3: You can now close the network map and should go back to the control panel and click on the settings. Go to the advance tab and look for the option ‘Edit Torrc File’, select it and you will now see a text editor.

Here you need to add following lines:



StrictExitNodes 1

Edit TorrcStep 4: Now apply, save and restart the Tor application and wait for the browser to open. Go to the and try to login.

Google Music From IndiaIf this works then close the Tor browser and now you are ready to use Google Music.  For desktop client you need to download Google Music desktop client which will be available once you logged in.

Hope you have liked our How to Guide for using Google Music anywhere in the world, For more Like us on Facebook or Subscribe by Email to our website. And hey, Don’t forget to put your queries in comments section below.

One Response

  1. how do i stop tor from automatically changing ip and giving me new id . I want to do this manually when im ready to change ip .