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HDD Vs SSD (Hard Disk Drive Vs Solid State Drives) [Comparison]

Hard Disk Drive, everyone with many much less knowledge of computer is familiar with this term. But, SSD or say Solid State Drive many seem to them as something very strange or new technology.

Hard Disk Drives are made up of a solid metal disk, which stores data into it and a Pointer, which is required to read the data from this solid metal disk.

Solid State Drives are made up of solid NAND Flash Memory, they don’t have any pointer to read data, data is directly accessed through the Flash Memory.

HDD’s have moving parts resulting to vibration and slow performance whereas SSD’s do not have any moving parts and gives amazingly fast performance.

Below I have created a Table Comparing HDD Vs SSD in a very simple and lucid language, so that a person with very much less computer knowledge can also understand the Difference between HDD vs SSD.

HDD Vs SSD (SSD Vs HDD) (Hard Disk Drive Vs Solid State Drives) - [Comparison]
HDD Vs SSD - Internal Hardware Structure
[stextbox id=”custom”] Hard Disk Drive Verses Solid State Drives (HDD Vs SSD) :[/stextbox]

They have mechanical components. There are no mechanical components.
They have slow read write speed. They have faster read write speed.
Data is stored on solid metal disk. Data is stored in solid memory chips.
Have slower data access time. Have faster data access time.
Bigger in size than SSD. Smaller in size than HDD.
There are vibrations when HDD is in use. There are no vibrations when SSD are in use.
They consume more power to work. They consume less power to work.
They are very cheap and affordable. These are very high in cost and are also limited.
Spin up time for HDD is several seconds. Spin up time for SSD is instantaneous.
Have around 16 MB of cache memory. Have around 64 MB of cache memory.
Have around 480 Mbps data transfer speed. Have around 6 Gbps data transfer speed.
Boot up time is more as compared to SSD. Boot up time is less as compared to HDD.
Slows down PC performance while using multiple applications at a time. There are no performance issues while using multiple applications at a time.
Supported Universally with every PC. Supported with the latest hardware PC.
All OS are supported. Requires min Win 7 or Mac OS X for good and better performance.
Ideal for any user. Ideal for heavy animation and photo video editing users.

The above table gives a brief and simple HDD Vs SSD Comparison, if you have any doubts in you mind you can surely ask out your doubts below.

They have mechanical components. There are no mechanical components.
They have slow read write speed. They have faster read write speed.
Data is stored on solid metal disk. Data is stored in solid memory chips.
Have slower data access time. Have faster data access time.
Bigger in size than SSD. Smaller in size than HDD.
There are vibrations when HDD is in use. There are no vibrations when SSD are in use.
They consume more power to work. They consume less power to work.
They are very cheap and affordable. These are very high in cost and are also limited.
Spin up time for HDD is several seconds. Spin up time for SSD is instantaneous.
Have around 16 MB of cache memory. Have around 64 MB of cache memory.
Have around 480 Mbps data transfer speed. Have around 6 Gbps data transfer speed.
Boot up time is more as compared to SSD. Boot up time is less as compared to HDD.
Slows down PC performance while using multiple applications at a time. There are no performance issues while using multiple applications at a time.
Supported Universally with every PC. Supported with the latest hardware PC.
All OS are supported. Requires min Win 7 or Mac OS X for good and better performance.
Ideal for any user. Ideal for heavy animation and photo video editing users.

2 Responses

  1. I agree; while most people are familiar with HDD, the subject of SSD is a source of many questions from our customers. What makes the issue even harder is that it is not necessiarly cut an dry. While both HDD & SDD have their strengths and weaknesses there is no clear winner, depending upon what the project/product goal is.