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What Makes A Web Hosting Company Great? Look At These 5 Qualities

So, you finally decided to put up a website. You know exactly what to do, from designs to content. But an obstacle that keeps you from moving forward is finding the right web hosting company. And considering the number of providers out there, selecting a great one is definitely easier said than done.

When it comes to web hosting, there are several factors you need to take into account. And while they can vary depending on your hosting needs, they can somehow tell you what a great host is. Without further ado, here are some of the many qualities that make the best web hosting provider. Make sure to keep them all in mind!

#1. Speed

Google itself has talked about the importance of a website’s page. The search engine giant claims that people often revisit websites that provide to have a great loading speed. This element is even critical for online websites that offer or sell products and/or services. Faster is – and always will be – better – and web hosting companies understand this. That is why they keep striving to increase the speed of the websites they host. Before hiring a hosting provider, it is imperative that you learn about its website speed guarantee.

#2. Security

Cybersecurity is a huge thing these days, and if your website cannot guarantee this, your customers will not make any business with you. Obviously, if you are a customer yourself, you do not want to deal with a shady website. You want your personal information to be protected. This is where you need to have a guarantee from your hosting company that it can provide you with security features and/or whatnot. For instance, it should offer automated malware scans. Otherwise, malware can easily knock your website offline.

#3. Support

Put yourself in a situation where you ordered a T-shirt online. You are promised a delivery timeline of between 5 and 10 business days. Unfortunately, 15 business days have passed and your order is still nowhere to be found. Your next move is to contact the company via its support, so you can inquire about the status of your order. Apparently, no one is answering your calls and/or emails. Obviously, you will be frustrated. And even if this issue is resolved, your trust towards the company has been stained.

This is exactly why support is important in web hosting companies. You want someone to be there for you if technical issues arise. While response time is important, you just want to make sure that help will be on its way. Before moving forward with a hosting company, ask around and find out about its support team. Do they offer phone and chat support? How is the support’s response time? Are the people knowledgeable in the field of web development and hosting?

#4. Packages

Web hosting companies have their own gimmicks in order to catch your attention. This can be in the form of promos, discounts, or even packages. The latter, in particular, is perhaps a common thing among these providers. In most cases, a provider will offer you easy upgrades to different packages, especially if you find the need to do so. For instance, your initial plan is shared hosting. Sooner or later, you might find the need to upgrade to a dedicated server. This is where you want to make sure that the provider will make the transition easier for you. Mind you, some providers out there will require you to spend a fortune just to upgrade. Look for a web host that offers the best packages, especially when it comes to hosting plan transitions.

#5. Reasonable Price

At the end of the day, your web hosting adventure boils down to how much you are willing to spend. Of course, you must be ready to shell out a good amount of money. But as long as you can deem the price reasonable and according to your budget, you should not have any problem moving forward. But having a reasonable price does not just refer to the current price of a plan you want to acquire. Sometimes, it would also mean having great deals if you decide to include add-ons and whatnot.

However, you must not be easily tempted by companies that offer cheap web hosting. Just because their hosting plans are easy to the eyes, they are not necessarily a great option to have. Remember that some hosting providers offer reasonable prices, but the service they provide is a mess. It would be better for you to spend a bit as long as you can get your money’s worth.

Finding the right web hosting company is not really a daunting process. You just need to know what exactly you are looking for. The aforementioned qualities are significant in a way that they can help make your website successful, so make sure to take them in account in your purchasing decision.