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The Fight for Gamers According to Incredibuild CEO

As competition in the gaming industry continues to increase, game developers have started adopting new technologies. Nintendo and Microsoft are shifting to the cloud to have an edge over Amazon. Recent reports show that there are 2.7 billion gamers worldwide. Tami Mazel Schachar, Incredibuild’s CEO stated that Amazon holds the largest share in today’s gaming market. Here is an insight into the fight for gamers.

Incredibuild’s Advanced Technology

The Coronavirus pandemic has greatly contributed to the explosive growth of the gaming industry in the past year. The latest reports state that the gaming industry is worth $160 billion today. Many governments imposed cessations and lockdowns thus forcing billions of people to stay indoors. A Lot of them opted to play online games to kill boredom as they keep social distance. As today there is a great variety of games, as does an online casino and players having a wide selection are making gaming companies fight for their attention.

Incredibuild is a tech firm that increases the CPU processing rates for game developers. Its operations are a challenge to some gaming companies. Tami Schachar said that gamers are intolerant and impatient than other people for games with poor features, graphics, and low quality. The CEO believes that Incredibuild’s technology cuts down the wait times for computers to several minutes or seconds. She further added that many players are interested in having a thrilling gaming experience. So, developers need to increase the performance of their products.

Cloud-based gaming services are slowly replacing conventional consoles. Soon, Google and Amazon will overtake PlayStation and Nintendo’s consoles. Tami predicted that the gradual shift in the gaming industry resembles that of Blockbuster and Netflix. But, the change won’t be fast, as gamers need to control the bandwidth and network.

As the cloud continues to gain popularity, it will decentralize game developers’ content and create a new space which isn’t tied to certain gaming consoles. Amazon, Google, and Microsoft know that consoles might be phased out in a decade and they need to create more engaging content. They currently earn $45 billion from selling consoles. But Tami argued that Netflix would have been overtaken together with Blockbuster if they weren’t smart.

Microsoft’s Current State and the Performance of Gaming in Incredibuild

Schachar believes that Microsoft is stable now despite facing stiff competition from Amazon. The tech company owns Azure, a great cloud service, and has a solid Xbox fan base. Incredibuild’s CEO said that the fight for gamers will be fiercer than a global war as each company will strive to build a competitive gaming platform. Netflix’s survival shows that there will be a huge prize for the winner.

Incredibuild generates 60 percent of its revenue from gaming. It will have to speed up its development cycle and reduce CPU waiting times to increase its market share. Tami stated that gaming companies need to get used to the new normal to maintain their reputation.

Many game developers are striving to broaden their clientele as the number of players continues rising globally. Microsoft and Nintendo have moved to the cloud to attract more gamers. Currently, players are interested in games with amazing graphics and gameplay. Most of them prefer downloading and playing games on mobile phones.