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CCleaner Review – A Must Have PC Maintainance Tool [ Free Software ]

CCleaner is currently in its version 3.11.1541 & I have been personally using this tool for maintaining my personal computer, Netbook & Office computer. And I thought that reviewing this app would be a great way to appreciate this PC software offered for free for everyone.

I use computer for almost 14 to 15 hours a day for very extensive and range of work from writing, Gaming  to 3D animation. The point is – No matter how powerful CP configuration you have , The day would come when you feel it slowed down, performing lower than it should be & everything looks too stuffed up on the screen.

CCleaner does all the dirty work of cleaning my PC & is a complete cleaner offering range of features to clean up the garbage data collected in PC, that we never need. It cleans up lot of Hard disk space which stores useless data that is created by Windows by default & You wont belive sometimes CCleaner helped me clear more than 10 GB of space too ! ,  Told you I am a crazy extensive PC user 🙂

Again, CCleaner app comes with in build Registry cleaner , which most of the developers sell for more than $20, this would be its most prominent feature making it a true must have app for everyone.

Following is how simple CCleaner looks like, You can click analyse to find all wasted place in the PC & it runs all the scans in very less time. Then you can run CCleaner to clean up all the space & make your PC super-fast.

CCleaner  ScreenShot Interface

CCleaner simply cleans the following software for unused data –

  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera
  • Safari
  • Windows – Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files and Log files.
  • Registry cleaner
  • Third-party applications

The most amazing feature is, this tool is 100% spyware free, It will never bug you to buy new version or anything else. That’s why I personally recommend this app/tool for every PC user for maintaining their PC’s health.

Click Here to Download CCleaner


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