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SmartITIndia: The Event for IT Managers Who Seek Smart Solutions

Business Wire IndiaIs there an event in India that addresses the needs of IT managers who face IT infrastructure challenges on a daily basis? Unfortunately, the answer is: No! While many events organised by IT vendors try to cater to this audience, all of them are vendor-centric and focus on a particular category of solutions only. 
EFY Group, since its inception, has invested in sectors where there are no players (Blue Ocean opportunities). And in its 50th year in technology media, the group is once again investing in an event that fills a gap – SmartITIndia. 
The first edition of SmartITIndia will be held on 11th & 12th October, at NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bengaluru, India. This event will not only have an expo showcasing the latest IT infrastructure solutions but will also have technical conferences on topics like the cloud, Big Data, IoT, cybersecurity, open source and smart IT Infrastructure solutions. At SmartITIndia, IT managers from across India will also share how they solved common challenges using innovative solutions and best practices. 
SmartITIndia will be co-located with Open Source India – an event that started in New Delhi as LinuxAsia, and is being organised in Bengaluru (India’s tech capital) since 2012. With visitors growing from around 1,000 in 2012 to 2,500-plus in 2017, Open Source India is today the largest and most influential open source event not only in India, but in Asia. With SmartITIndia being co-located with it from this year, the numbers will swell further.
Together, both events – Open Source India and SmartITIndia – will be held under the banner of India IT Week (IIW). Thus, India IT Week 2018 will have three sub-shows:

  • Smart IT India 2018: An event for IT implementers, providing an opportunity for them to share and discover the latest IT solutions, best practices and technologies that are making Indian organisations smarter.
  • Open Source India 2018: Asia’s largest gathering on Open Source where the industry meets the community.
  • OpenStack India 2018: A conference for business leaders, cloud admins and developers encompassing the open infrastructure aspect.

Speaking at the official unveiling of the event, Rahul Chopra, editorial director, EFYi, said, “While there are many IT events in India, there seem to be none that are catering to the needs of IT managers who manage IT infrastructure and take technology and purchase-related decisions related to a slew of IT solutions. And choosing the city to organise such a show was pretty simple – Bengaluru is the IT capital of India, and its IT managers can lead the entire nation into adopting the ‘right technology’ for our challenges. Every sub-show at IIW 2018 guarantees cutting-edge technical advice and practical guidance that can be implemented as soon as you return to your office!”
“IT managers can expect to get a first-hand glimpse into innovative IT infrastructure spanning security, storage, networking, hyperconvergence, cloud, databases, cybersecurity, open source, IoT, servers, etc. – all under one roof, added Atul Goel, VP, marketing solutions, EFYi.
Registrations for these events will be starting soon, and the EFYi team expects to see delegates cross the 3,000 mark this year.