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Onward Technologies PAT Grows by 83 Percent Q-o-Q, EPS up by 82 Percent

Business Wire India

Highlights for the Quarter ended June 30, 2018:

  • Consolidated Profit After Tax (PAT) for Jun’18 Quarter is at INR 210.45 Lakhs as against INR 115.15 Lakhs for Mar’18 Quarter, a growth of 83%.
  • Company declared an EPS of INR 1.34 for Jun’18 quarter, up by 82% against INR 0.74 in Mar’18 quarter.
  • EBIDTA shows a healthy growth by 151.91%, at INR 532.07 Lakhs as against INR 211.21 Lakhs Q-o-Q.
  • Consolidated revenues grew by 3.2% at INR 6,307.21 Lakhs as against INR 6,113.19 Lakhs in Q1 FY 17-18.
Commenting on the performance of the Company, Mr. Harish Mehta, Executive Chairman, said, “Overall operationally it was an excellent quarter with healthy growth both in topline & bottom line which was achieved with new contract wins, repeat business & continuous optimization of costs. During the quarter we also invested substantially in automation & expanding the sales team to improve customer experience which has positioned us well to deliver robust growth in 2018.”

About Onward Technologies Limited
Onward Technologies Limited is a global player in Mechanical Engineering Design Services and IT consulting services. The Company offers a range of engineering design services including product design, engineering analysis, engineering documentation and maintenance, and manufacturing solutions for automotive, off highway, aerospace, industrial equipment and consumer goods. With its footprints in India, North America, Germany and UK, the Company’s global design and delivery centres has grown to 2500+ employees servicing Fortune 1000 companies.
The Company is listed on the following stock exchanges under the ISIN INE 229A01017:
BSE Limited: Scrip Code: 517536
National Stock Exchange of India Limited: Scrip Code: ONWARDTEC

For more information, please contact: [email protected]


 (Rs. In lakhs)
Sr.  Particulars Quarter ended Year ended
No.   June 30, 2018 March 31, 2018 June 30, 2017 March 31, 2018
    (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
    1  Revenue from operations          6,296.92             6,203.99          6,113.19           24,446.02
    2  Other income (net)               10.29                219.35               28.99                475.34
    3 Total Income (1+2)         6,307.21           6,423.34         6,142.18         24,921.36
    4 Expenses        
  a) Purchase of traded goods             162.83                165.24             119.28                372.14
  b) Employee benefits expense          4,524.62             4,738.37          4,454.91           18,582.05
  c) Finance costs               71.89                 63.52               80.89                302.98
  d) Depreciation and amortisation expense             139.89                131.70             140.78                548.52
  e) Other expenses          1,087.59             1,308.52          1,034.02             4,364.73
  Total Expenses         5,986.82           6,407.35         5,829.88         24,170.42
    5 Profit before tax (3-4)            320.39                15.99            312.30              750.94
    6 Tax Expense        
  a) Current Tax               64.86                 39.61               43.34                223.44
  b) Short/(Excess) provision of taxation for previous periods                 3.50                   0.01               (9.16)                  (9.14)
  c) Deferred Tax               41.58   (138.78)                 5.48       (134.98)
  Total tax expense/ (credits)            109.94              (99.16)              39.66                79.32
    7 Net profit/ (loss) for the period (5 – 6)            210.45              115.15            272.64              671.62
    8 Other comprehensive income        
  a) i) items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss               (0.83)                (18.89)             (15.31)                  (3.31)
      ii) income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss                 0.49                   5.92                 3.98                   0.77
  b) i) items that will be reclassified to profit or loss        
      -Exchange differences on foreign operations       (102.71) (4.16)                    –          (4.16)
      ii) income tax relating to items that will be reclassified to profit or loss                    –                        –                      –                        –  
  Total other comprehensive income, net of income tax          (103.05)              (17.13)            (11.33)                (6.70)
    9 Total comprehensive income for the period (7-8)            313.49              132.28            283.97              678.32
 10 Net Profit/ (loss) attributable to:        
  a) Owners             210.45                115.15             272.64                671.62
  b) Non-controlling interests                   –                        –                     –                        –  
  11 Total comprehensive income attributable to:        
  a) Owners             313.49                132.28             283.97                678.32
  b) Non-controlling interests                   –                        –                     –                        –  
  12 Paid-up equity share capital :  (Face value Rs. 10 each)          1,565.16             1,554.21          1,533.39             1,554.21
  13 Earnings/ (loss) per share (of Rs. 10 each) (not annualised)        
  Basic: (in Rs.)                 1.34                   0.74                 1.78                   4.35
  Diluted: (in Rs.)                 1.28                   0.74                 1.66                   4.07