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NGINX Simplifies the Journey to Microservices

Business Wire India

NGINX, Inc., the company based on the popular open source project and offering a suite of technologies designed to develop and deliver modern applications, announced new capabilities and major enhancements to its Application Platform – an integrated suite of software technologies that simplify the adoption and deployment of microservices.


Enterprise adoption of microservices has reached a tipping point. More than half of companies in a recent survey indicated they deployed microservices for at least one application, and 26% are doing so in production.* Companies are looking to microservices as a modern application architecture to support digital business efforts. However, the transition to microservices is complex and requires enterprises to balance development and delivery across a mix of legacy, monolithic applications and newer, open-sourced based microservices environments.


“Digital transformation makes application modernization imperative for enterprises. Most popular, modern apps are created by cloud-native companies using predominantly open source technologies,” says Gus Robertson, CEO, NGINX. “However, enterprises struggle to implement these same technologies to create compelling customer experiences. To cross this digital divide, enterprises must adopt a microservices architecture that complements their legacy applications. We believe NGINX has the technology to accelerate their journey into microservices.”


NGINX is one of the most ubiquitous software technologies for modern application architectures. More than 11 million new domains launch on NGINX open source each month, an average of 4 every second. Users have pulled a billion NGINX instances from the Docker Store, including over a million pulls of the NGINX Kubernetes Ingress controller. With this footprint, NGINX has established a leadership position in enterprises adoption of microservices. More than 3 million NGINX instances and 250 customers are deployed in production microservices environments.


Simplifying Enterprise Application Architectures
NGINX's lightweight technologies provide a scalable data and control plane that deliver applications across bare metal, VM, container, and public cloud infrastructures. The NGINX Application Platform collapses ten disparate functions into a single, integrated solution: web server, application server, load balancer, reverse proxy, caching, web application firewall, API gateway, ingress controller, sidecar proxy, and service mesh controller. NGINX eliminates the complexity of separate tools, accelerating microservices adoption and freeing up resources to focus on app development instead of infrastructure management.


Capabilities to Further Accelerate Microservices Adoption
With announcement, the NGINX Application Platform capabilities extends to include:


  • New control-plane solution to manage both legacy and microservices apps. NGINX Controller R1 (available Q2, 2018) introduces new monitoring dashboards, alerting, and management of NGINX software. The Controller architecture is extensible and designed to integrate additional control-plane solutions like Istio, eliminating the need for enterprises to deploy multiple frameworks to manage a service mesh.
  • New data-plane features to simplify the microservices application stack. NGINX Plus R15 (available April 10, 2018) builds on new HTTP/2, gRPC, and JavaScript open source features with high-availability clustering and OpenID Connect enhancements. These improve performance and simplify microservices stacks where NGINX runs as a web server, load balancer, API gateway, Kubernetes Ingress controller, or sidecar proxy.
  • New app server to improve performance for modern microservices code. NGINX Unit 1.0 (available April 12, 2018) is a production-ready open source app server. Unit simplifies microservices deployments by supporting multiple languages in a single server, including Go, Perl, Python, PHP, and Ruby. Unit is a developer-friendly, high performance architecture that dynamically configures via an API.

With well-tested products and proven success, NGINX offers enterprises the technologies and expertise at every stage of their journey toward a fully implemented microservices architecture.


About NGINX, Inc.
NGINX, Inc. is the company behind the popular open source project trusted by more than 450 million sites. We offer a suite of technologies for developing and delivering modern applications. The NGINX Application platform allows enterprises undergoing digital transformation to modernize legacy, monolithic applications as well as deliver new, microservices-based applications. Companies like Netflix, Starbucks, and McDonalds rely on NGINX to reduce costs, improve resiliency, and speed innovation.


We are headquartered in San Francisco, with our EMEA head office in Cork, Ireland and APAC head office in Singapore. Learn more at


*Cited from DZone study