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Limelight Expands Content Delivery Capacity to Support Increasing Demand for Online Content

Limelight Networks, Inc. (Nasdaq: LLNW), a leading provider of edge cloud services, today announced it has increased its network egress capacity more than 70 percent in the last year to support the growth of online traffic and the needs of customers worldwide. Limelight has added this global capacity in an environmentally sensitive manner, setting a new standard for more energy efficient content delivery solutions.


Since January 2019, Limelight has increased egress capacity to over 70 terabits per second with 130 points-of-presence (PoPs) across the globe. Limelight’s expansion, along with the Ericsson Edge Gravity initiative, added new content delivery capabilities in service provider networks in 19 locations across 8 countries: Thailand, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Australia, Turkey and Malaysia.


Over the last year, efficiency has consistently improved through the use of software innovation and new server technology. Limelight’s new next generation servers, for example, increase the average amount of data delivered per unit of power (megabits per second per watt) by almost 80 percent, providing increased capacity and reliability for customers.


In addition to efficiency gains, Limelight saw online traffic increase by almost 50 percent in the last year. This strong demand was primarily due to Limelight’s significant involvement in several live and on-demand OTT launches by some of the largest media companies in the world. These companies rely on Limelight as a trusted partner based on network performance, global scale, and customer support.


“We’re delivering record online traffic and performance levels while expanding in an environmentally responsible way,” said Ersin Galioglu, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at Limelight. “With many major media companies launching OTT offerings, we’re adding capacity globally as efficiently as possible to meet the growing demand.”


About Limelight


Limelight Networks Inc., (NASDAQ: LLNW), a leading provider of digital content delivery, video, cloud security, and edge computing services, empowers customers to provide exceptional digital experiences. Limelight’s edge services platform includes a unique combination of global private infrastructure, intelligent software, and expert support services that enable current and future workflows. For more information, visit, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.