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Innoplexus: Big Steps to Combat the Coronavirus

The German company Innoplexus AG, also known as the “Google of the healthcare industry” (Welt)- is taking further steps to combat the coronavirus.

  1. Innoplexus is making its world-leading Ontosight® AI search platform freely available to all worldwide relevant to Covid-19/SARS-Cov-2 medical research institutions for an initial phase.
  2. A dashboard will provide precise and comprehensive information on recent global worldwide developments concerning Covid-19, and will be continuously updated.
  3. Together with leading international researchers and pharmaceutical companies, Innoplexus has identified approaches for combination therapies and new molecules to combat coronavirus using its AI resources.

In recent days, there has been a global paradigm shift in the handling of the coronavirus. A drastic change in political measures is taking place as the coronavirus (Covid-19) is starting to negatively affect the global economy and threatens to lead to a severe recession. On the basis of reliable information and analyses, decision-makers in politics, medicine, and business are under pressure, deciding whether measures taken against the coronavirus are enough to be effective while limiting damage to the economy. Innoplexus has taken three important steps to support those decision-makers and solve the enormous and complex challenges of Covid-19:
1. Opening of Ontosight® Discover for research institutes and university clinics researching Covid-19
On March 13, Innoplexus opened its Ontosight® Discover platform for research institutes and university hospitals. The information and research platform for Covid-19 is the largest digital knowledge reservoir in the field of pharmaceuticals. It will be made available to all researchers working on COVID-19 testing and drug development. As of right now, researchers from Germany, the USA, and India have already started utilizing its capabilities. Additionally, Innoplexus is answering the call of Australia, Brazil, Canada, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, and the UK to make data and publications freely available to the research community.
2. Providing a dashboard for decision-makers and the general public informing about the developments around Covid-19 and its effects in Germany and the world
In times of misinformation campaigns and “fake news” Innoplexus provides a dashboard that presents all globally available and relevant information on Covid-19 for governments, institutes, news portals, and the public. Information on Covid-19 is currently distributed among a variety of sources. Until now, there has been no platform that bundles all necessary information in real-time and makes the data quality analyzable. This leads to a widespread information asymmetry with the potential to trigger wrong decisions or even panic reactions, which can lead to public unrest. With the first version of the dashboard, Innoplexus seeks to contribute to the effective fight against the coronavirus. This dashboard already covers the development of Covid-19 in Germany. The EU5 and the USA will soon be added.
3. Development of a novel molecule and a combination therapy targeting Covid-19 and its pathway of infection
With its AI platform, Innoplexus is researching new molecules and combination therapies in silico. New molecular structures are currently being validated by in-house experts and external partners. Innoplexus is confident that the structures of the most promising molecules will be published in the near future so that a therapy can be made available to patients as soon as possible.

Furthermore, based on the comprehensive data of the Ontosight® platform, it is possible to screen innovative combination therapies based on existing drugs for their potential efficacy. Several possible combination therapies have already been identified and are now undergoing further scientific validation. The results of this work will be published shortly.