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Experion Technologies Grows US Business by over 200 Percent, Climbs 1000 Ranks on Inc. 5000 List

Experion Technologies has moved up nearly 1000 places in rankings since 2018 – the company’s growth has resulted in 400 new engineering jobs created this year alone, with plans to add at least 250 more in the coming year.

Experion Technologies, a digital transformation services provider to midsized and large enterprises, saw a substantial rise in demand for its services during the pandemic and has ramped up its hiring since the start of 2020.

Inc. magazine revealed on August 17th that for the fourth time, Experion Technologies USA has appeared on the Inc. 5000 Fastest-Growing Private Companies listing.

This year, Experion Technologies’ revenue growth exceeded 200%, leading to a jump of nearly 1000 ranks compared to its ranking in 2018. In addition, Experion Technologies also featured in the “2021 Fastest-Growing Regional Companies” list as one of the Top 100 fastest-growing companies in the Texas region for the second consecutive year.

Backed by this steady growth, Experion Technologies has expanded its workforce across its centers in Bangalore, Trivandrum, and Cochin by over 400 engineers this financial year. The company has further planned to induct around 250 engineers from college campuses for the next fiscal year, as well.

 “I congratulate our US team and add that I am very proud of their achievement. Over the past two years, I think the silver lining has been that many midsized IT solutions providers like Experion Technologies see a surge in demand for their services. As we go through these tough times, many of our customers are preparing for the coming Bull Market in business due to pent-up demand. They are looking at this downtime as the perfect window of opportunity to accelerate their investment in technology for Business Transformation, so they are better positioned to grab the prospects that await. This means there could not be a better time for us to scale rapidly as well,” said Binu Jacob, CEO and MD, Experion Technologies (India) Private Limited.

Commenting on the achievement from Texas, Manoj Balraj, EVP – Global Operations, Experion Technologies, said, “As Experion Technologies continues its steady growth, we are grateful for two of our biggest strengths- our focus on digital technologies and the solid talent we attract. Talented people join us because they know they get to be part of complex solutions developed from the ground up. We will continue to build digital software products and solutions that exceed our clients’ expectations. We continue to be very grateful to our customers who trust our ability to deliver and treat our teams with respect. Finally, we are infinitely grateful to every ‘Experionite’ who stuck with us through thick and thin and delivered value with quiet determination.”