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CRB Tech Reviews: 500+ Students Attend CRB’s Japanese Webinar 2021

CRB Tech – a trusted name and a front running online training and career development partner recently conducted a webinar on ‘Japanese for Career Growth’. As the name suggests, the webinar threw light on how Japanese proficiency can help an aspirant from the career (growth) perspective. The webinar received an overwhelming response, with more than 500+ students attending it!

Talking about this webinar, the focus was on making the attendees understand the benefits of knowing a language like Japanese and becoming proficient in it, for their overall career development and growth.

In line with this, the speaker who himself happened to be a Japanese language expert from the industry, began by introducing the students to the Japanese Language Proficiency Test i.e. JLPT. According to him, this is the first step for those who are looking to learn Japanese from a professional perspective. Here is the summary of what the language expert explained during the webinar.

JLPT is a standard criteria based test to assess, verify, and confirm the proficiency level of non-native speakers as well as the learners, is what he stated.

Going further, he informed that JLPT consists of five levels i.e. N1, N2, N3, N4, and N5.

N5 – It is meant for the beginners. Under this, students need to learn near about 100 Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana (readings + pronunciations) and nearly 400-500 Japanese words along with Japanese grammar basics.
N4 – This level consists of listening and comprehending daily conversations. Approx. 1500 Japanese words and 300 Kanji are required, is what the speaker mentioned.
N3 – One becomes capable of listening, reading and understanding daily conversations at almost normal speed. Near about 3000 to 4000 Japanese words and 600-700 Kanjis are required.
N2 – Individuals who have reached this level are acknowledged to possess upper intermediate conversational ability and they can state it in their resume. The level goes up here to 6000 words and 1000 Kanji is what the expert added.
N1 – This is the highest level showing topmost proficiency. In simple language, one has now become a Japanese expert with near native proficiency. 10,000+ words and 2000-2500 Kanjis are required is what the speaker informed the students.
Post this, the Japanese expert discussed the benefits of achieving different levels in JLPT,

  • A high paying job in Japanese multinationals across the globe.
  • Bright career and Japanese placement opportunities in both core domain and as a Japanese expert, based on the level cleared.
  • Earn add on points and get preferential treatment for Japan immigration.
  • Increased demand in the industry due to core technical skills and Japanese proficiency.
  • Bilingual professionals (especially those who know Japanese) are preferred over those who possess only core domain technical skills. This is true across all the major verticals like IT, Engineering, Healthcare etc.

These are just a few major ones from the webinar, while the speaker listed out quite a few more.

With reference to various studies and research, the expert also came up with real-time data and some stats during his talk. The stats revealed that knowing a language like Japanese along with technical skills have resulted into higher salary packages for the aspirants. That’s because of that additional skill in foreign language. This information was encouraging for the students who were present at the seminar.

The webinar concluded with a Q&A session where students asked their doubts to the career experts.

One of the students Prakash who attended the webinar asked “Which is the minimum level that one should attain to get a good job offer?”

While answering the question, the speaker referred to the various levels (N5-N1) in Japanese. He being a Japanese professional recommended the N3 level for getting a good job and salary package.

Suman, yet another student attending the webinar asked “Where can we appear for the JLPT?”

One can take the test across the major cities in Japan. For those who wish to take the test outside of Japan, they can find the exam conducting cities in their respective country by searching “Local Host Institutions of JLPT”.

This is what came as an answer from the speaker.

Vijay came up with a question “how to crack the N3 level?”

The expert shared a few tips like undergoing professional training, by hearting Kanjis and Japanese words, and listening with attention.

In their feedback post the webinar, the students expressed that they found the webinar to be informative, and made them realize the importance of having a bilingual skillset i.e. English and a foreign language, along with core domain knowledge.

CRB with its vast experience in this field, has been providing bilingual (Japanese) training as a part of its IT, Engineering and Healthcare training programs, for a number of years now. As per reports, this has benefited many of their students in getting good placements in MNCs, with high salary packages. Student CRB Tech reviews on the web are a proof of this.

Towards the end of the webinar, the students were also briefed about the domain wise online bilingual courses on offer from CRB Tech reviews. Right from Java to Clinical Research training program. The students were also told about the other offerings of these courses like funding, opportunity to earn and learn, interview training, unlimited placement calls from CRB Tech placement etc.

Some of the CRB placed candidates were also present, and they shared their experience about the Japanese language training at CRBtech, and how it benefited them. Here’s the proof in the form of this CRB Tech review & Feedback of CRB Tech Student.

Ankit Tripathi

“The Japanese language training provided by crb tech was up to the mark. Being an IT student, acquiring Japanese proficiency helped me in getting a high paid job. As many companies prefer individuals who know foreign language like Japanese, it benefited me a lot. Thank you crb tech.”

Interested students were even permitted to take admission to the course of their choice, post the webinar. The response looked good, as a number of students enrolled their names for various courses.

Visit their website – for more information and admission process.