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Working Remotely: Reminders for Success

As much of the world returns to normalcy after nearly two years of the Covid pandemic, it’s become abundantly clear that we’ve had to redefine our version of “normal.”  In today’s post-Covid-ish society, it seems that more and more people have the option to work from home or are working from home full-time. Companies have ditched the expensive storefronts and have given employees the opportunity to prove their productivity from the comfort of their own homes. If your company has recently allowed remote working or if you are working from home and find yourself in a rut, here are a few tips on how to be successful while working from home.

Get Dressed…and not just from the Waist Up.

Not having to wear pants is literally one of the few benefits of a Zoom call, but trust me on this one. No one is asking you to wear your blazer in your kitchen, but find some comfy jeans and an acceptable shirt, preferably with a collar, to get your mind and body ready for work. It’s important to get out of the sweats, brush your teeth, make your hair presentable, and establish that your work day has begun.

Stick to a Schedule

It’s really easy to fall into a poor sleeping pattern and push your wakeup alarm to its limit when you’re working from home. Maintaining a schedule is vital to a successful and productive work-from-home environment. Keep regular hours and specifically schedule your work hours and “off” hours to set a healthy boundary. This is also helpful in organizing your calendar in general. Whether it’s planning an upcoming appointment at the Northwest Surgery Center or remembering when you need to water the plants, consistent scheduling is key to productivity at work and home.

Designate a Workspace

Even if it requires hanging a tablecloth over your concrete basement walls to serve as a Zoom greenscreen, find a way to create an office in your home that’s appropriate on camera.  Separate your spaces. Create an area that sets a standard for yourself and others that it’s time for work. Designate a place of leisure and relaxation without screens or digital stimulation, your eyes need a rest.

Buy In

Perhaps the most important way to be successful while working from home is to participate. Turn on your camera, comment in the chat, and use that thumbs up feature on Zoom like it’s a sign of life for the presenter. Participation in the digital environment helps both ends of the remote call and you just might learn something.

The ability to work from home doesn’t seem to be going anywhere but maintaining good practices when navigating the remote-work world, will guarantee it stays.