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AI and Adaptations: The Latest and Upcoming In-Car Gadgetry

Lucky for car owners in 2022, the car gadgetry and accessory market is projected to grow at a significant rate in the forecast period between now and 2026. Modern cars are inundated with innovative new electronics – whether for the purpose of comfort, safety, or straight up joy, the cars of 2022 have access to some impressive features both now and over the upcoming years.

Goodbye Alexa, Hello Echo Auto

Ever since virtual assistance technology like Google’s Alexa hit mainstream markets, consumers have developed a strong attachment to them. So strong, in fact, that they don’t want to stop using them when they exit the front door. That’s why Amazon has stepped in with the virtual in-car Echo Auto. This gadget is perfect for drivers who not only enjoy the virtual assistance experience but rely on it to get through their workday. Convenient, easy to use, and powerful enough to help you manage your affairs without becoming too distracted, the Echo Auto is a hit with car owners all over the world.
The Echo Auto is equipped with eight microphone sensors so users can enjoy the pleasure of hands-free driving without worrying about sound interference from traffic or wind. Naturally compatible with Bluetooth and both Apple and Android smartphones, the Echo Auto allows you to play your favorite music, make lists, set reminders, and control the radio an absolute breeze. Hello, the future!
Technology like this is changing what people consider important when buying a car. For example, auto part shortages mean budgets have had to shapeshift, and leases have become far less enticing than prior years. Nowadays, the most important considerations are long-term affordability, safety, and sustainability.

Cassette Adapters For Vintage Cars

Another car gadget seeing volumes of interest in 2022 is the cassette adapter, available from a variety of different cutting-edge brands, with Arsvita leading the pack. As more people opt for buying vintage or used cars, the demand for Bluetooth players that can adapt to old-school in-car entertainment systems has emerged.
Cassette adapters fill a gap in the market for older cars that only have radio or cassette playing abilities – this gadget is essentially a Bluetooth transmitter in the shape of a traditional cassette tape. Simply pop it in as you would the real thing and the audio plays from whatever the device is connected to, such as a smartphone, iPad, or even a laptop. Seamless music enjoyment no matter what era your car is from.

What The Future Holds

The state of the car and road technology industries are constantly evolving, and there are some exciting ideas in the pipeline. Something everyone is waiting with bated breath for is the hands-free, voice activated dashboard that is currently being developed by Cerence (formerly Nuance).
A combination of speech commands, eye tracking, and gesture control are just some of the features a smart dashboard like this one could offer. This development is hoping to eliminate the need for physical switches and amplify the quality of the overall driving experience. By the sounds of things, it’s unlikely to disappoint.


