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Satellite Vs. Cable TV

The TV industry has been dominated by two competing standards over last several decades. Satellite and cable television providers vie for customers by offering exclusive channels, special interest packages, and startup deals. Some people live in areas without the infrastructure to support cable and have no choice but to put in a satellite television order. But for others who do have a choice, it can be a hard one. One must examine the pros and cons of each service, to determine which option best fits their needs.

TV enthusiasts are frequently drawn to satellite once they have experienced it. The numerous stations and pay-per-view options make this a tantalizing option. The image and sound quality is generally better with satellite, but the difference is mitigated by the standardization of HD. Satellite can also be prone to weather interference, unlike cable. Due to the range of options, it is impossible to say which costs more in general.

Cable TV is much more common than satellite. This is due to lower introductory prices, and, when packaged with Internet access, is usually a more affordable deal than its counterpart. Many homes are already wired for cable, negating an installation fee. Basic cable is enough for some, but many people prefer to upgrade to digital cable packages with additional movie and sports channels. These options tend to bring the price within range of satellite costs. With cable it’s very easy to run a new addition or move to another location. You do not need to call the company out every time you remodel. Also, many cable companies are more flexible and do not require contracts; you can cancel at any time.

Both cable and satellite have much to offer and provide excellent services. Price comparisons for your specific needs will be necessary to learn which carrier offers the best rates. Companies will often price match their competitors to be more competitive, so research itself can sometimes change the playing field.