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Cloud Magic : Personalized Cloud Search Service [Review]

Today its the generation of Cloud Services, gone are the days to use Pen Drives, Portable Drives or Compact Disk to carry your data around. Instead users prefer cloud storage these days. There are many free cloud services available online and a single particular user can multiple of them at a single time.

As you go on using Cloud Services day by day, there comes a question of managing them and also keeping a track of all your files. Cloud Magic a few years old service have found out a way out for you in this scenarios.

Cloud Magic is a personalized cloud web search service which works exactly like Google search. When cloud magic came into action it was completely free but as they keep evolving they have stopped their free service now demands a sum of $5 per month of its unlimited use, this might alienate some users. It still offers 50 views free per month which might meet the requirement of many users.

Cloud Magic Personalized Cloud Search Service [Review]_Banner

You need to connect your cloud magic account with all your other cloud account for a start. At present it supports Yahoo, Windows Live, Twitter, SkyDrive,, MSN, Microsoft ActiveSync, Office 365, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft, iCloud, Hotmail, GMX, Google Apps, Google Gmail, Facebook, Evernote, Dropbox, Box, AOL and it updating regularly and adding more services.

Once access has been granted, CloudMagic then begins indexing your accounts, which can take some time if your accounts are sizable. You can begin searching right away, but waiting until the indexing process is complete will deliver more accurate results.

Cloud Magic browser extensions are available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer. Also its mobile app is available for iOS, Android, Kindle Fire, Windows Phone & also a app is designed for its use on Windows 8.

You enter your keywords in the search box, and CloudMagic goes to work, instantly (and I do mean instantly) displaying results as you type. The results appear in a column that appears below the CloudMagic search box as soon as you begin typing. Results are organized by source; if you enter a search string while on your Gmail page, you’ll see results from there, but you also can scroll down to see results from your other accounts, like Facebook and Twitter. In CloudMagic’s latest iteration, the results are as accurate and speedy.

Pros : It gives accurate results, it has an attractive interface and it provides super fast search results.

Cons :  It is no longer free and its performance on Internet Explorer is very buggy.

You can visit Cloud Magic by clicking here and let us know about your very own experience.