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Potential of Tech Consumer Markets And Importance of Mobility [Dell Vlog]

Have you ever thought about the way our wants changed over past few years, specifically in the tech segment?

I was craving to get a PC 10 years before and now I have a netbook, few laptops and a smartphone already yet I want a dedicated eBook reader, dreaming for iPad and waiting for the launch of Tegra 3 processor that will fasten the mobile processing with quad cores.

Where the hell our needs are leading? Or is there any market remaining for Desktop PCs ? What is more important for consumers – mobility or luxury or cost ?

To answer every single question like this, I would like to share an amazing Vlog by Dell, that is created for us to identify with the potential of consumer market and importance of mobility in it.

Check out this Dell Conversationalist Series Video

More About This Conversation Series By Dell –

As part of the Dell Conversationalist Series, this video captures the conversations of Mr. Prasanto Kumar Roy, President & Chief Editor, Cybermedia and Mr. Mahesh Bhalla, Executive Director & General Manager, Consumer & SMB, Dell India, on the potential of Dell’s consumer and SMB business and the importance of mobility.

Dell Tech Vlog - Coversational Series

Expert Answers Following Questions in this Vlog –

– What is the consumer doing differently in India?

– Is the consumer getting more active in the past 5-6yrs?

– What’s driving the consumer in times of a slowdown, when businesses are delaying purchases, but consumers are still going ahead with their purchases?

– The way the consumer market is growing on account of the trend of mobility?

– Is there one future device where everything will converge into?

Watch The Complete Discussion on Dell Vlog Here

Do let us know your views about this great initiative by Dell, and also if you want to point out some related issues/solutions, post your comments below.