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7+ Websites for Teachers You Don’t Want to Miss

Websites are in many ways a blessing to humanity. For some, they are reliable means of daily entertainment, for others they are means of earning a livelihood. Old or young, no matter what you do, websites can be useful to you.In this article, we discuss ten websites for teachers that are particularly useful in education.

Since teaching can prove difficult, especially when dealing with young students, it is pertinent that the teacher gets all available aid for the job. In fact, in the absence of relevant academic resources like websites, many teachers will fail in their all-important duty of imparting knowledge. To that end, we present seven of the best such websites for teachers.

7+ Ultimate Websites For Teachers


Every true teacher knows that every topic comes with its own fair share of challenges. As expected, the same explanations and examples will not work for all subjects. Hence, there is need for teachers to plan their lessons adequately.

Scholastic typically provides everything a teacher would need in just one package. For instance, scholastic has a section for creative ideas that teachers can use to enhance their students’ learning process. There is also a section for books and authors. Here, teachers can easily access certain important books that help them create more effective lesson plans. In addition to these, there are a couple of other valuable learning resources and products, both free and paid which teachers can leverage on to sharpen their instructional methods.

Scholastic For Teachers

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Math can be a beast. But you already know that. When taught by the right teacher, at the right place, and at the right time, it can be the sweetest thing to learn. But if as little as one component of the above constituents is missing, it is almost certain that a total disaster is inevitable.  Knowing that math can be a monster to students if not well taught.

It is as a result of this need that teachers of mathematics themselves had to come, together and create Illuminations. Owing to the high degree of creativity, innovation and illustration that dominate this website, it is very easy for the the slowest of students to pick mathematical lessons, and even fall in love mathematics. There are both short videos , and interesting brain teasers which will make the class both fun and educative for all students.

Illuminations - Website for Math Teachers

Understanding Science

It is true that science is all about facts that can be tested, but that is not always the case in the classroom. Not every scientific fact can be easily proven in the classroom, and even if that happens, not every student will still understand.

But at Understanding Science, experts, most of whom are teachers themselves provide simplistic tutorials on virtually every science related subject. Their self-explanatory diagrams and flow charts mean that information assimilation will be a whole lot easier.

Science Related Website For Teachers


Since teaching trends are always on the increase, it becomes very necessary for teachers to stay in touch with the most recent of trends in the educational world. This is exactly what this website is out to do. As the name implies, Teachers.Net is all about teachers.  It is an online community that avails teachers the opportunity to rub minds with each other, discover new lesson plans, share new teaching ideas, network with one another and more.

Teachers Community Online


If you know what YouTube is, you can perhaps guess what this website is all about. On a broad scale, it can be said that this website is the YoutTube of teachers. Loaded with instructional videos on virtually all topics, it is an excellent resource for teachers who seek relevant videos for the explanation of certain concepts to the students.

Youtube for Teachers

Book Wizard

As a teacher, a time will come when you need that rare book for reference and seem not to be able to find it. When that day comes, call on Book Wizard. In just a few clicks you can find the books you are searching for even as you easily create a reading list. Though this site is part of Scholastic, we believe it really deserves a separate place in our list.



Google means different things to different people. Sports lovers use it to find the latest updates on their favourite teams and athletes, entrepreneurs stick to it for latest business trends, technology lovers use it to discover the most recent of technological breakthroughs, while students use it for assignments and other research works. But there is one thing all Google users can agree with; that it the fact that Google is a very valuable tool for getting information. So important is Google in researching facts that one can easily say “Google it” in place of “Research it”.

As one of the best websites for teachers, Google provides a whole assortment of resources which can make the teaching process easier for teachers. For instance, there’s Google maps, which the teacher can easily use to simplify the teaching of geography. Google also has an assortment of free images that teachers can download and use as Power Point slides in classroom presentations. Beyond these two, Google can be used to do what only it can do best: research. No matter the subject or topic in question, the teacher will always some information about it using Google search.

Owing to the importance of Google search especially in cases where the teacher has no materials to start with, we believe Google is, perhaps, the most important websites for teachers.

Owing to the size of this article, there are many other good websites which unfortunately cannot be discussed in details here. However, here are some honourable mentions:

Education World -Tech For Teachers


Here is a little advice to wrap things up with the Websites for Teachers. Virtually every website is a teaching resource that teachers can use. As long as it is not a violent or adult site, or one that promote illegal activities, teachers can always refer to them both while preparing their lesson plans and in the course to teaching. This goes to say that teachers have to filter the websites they visit. There is a chance that an image, or video clip or text they see will help them perform better in class.