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Docs.Zone Review: Convert & Combine PDF Online With One-Click!

I have recently tried many of the document processing tools and reviewed them on this blog, but some of our users said they prefer such tools online. Very often, we have to convert the PDF files to other formats or combine PDFs or convert data into PDF files. And if in urgency, we do not want to download a tool and perform these tasks by downloading a tool.

So today, I am going to review a powerful & efficient online PDF converter tool called – Docs.Zone!

Docs.Zone Review : Online PDF Converter

Every time, I have to try a PDF conversion I prefer testing it with the heaviest file I can that comes with the images, colorful visual arrangement and a lot of text.

So I took following marketing guide from a popular digital marketing company and tried converting with the Docs.Zone’s online tool.

docs-zone-online-pdf-convert-tool-7As you can see in above screenshot, this PDF was quite media rich, and about 12.6 MB in size, which is a heavy file to convert.

Just clicked on a start button and the conversion started right away. There was no ads or any restriction, and within just a seconds my PDF file was ready to convert online.

Additionally I got the option while converting from PDF to Word File like Flowing, Fixed or OCR conversion. Meaning I can either let the tool reflow my document according to recommended settings, or keep it exactly aligned as it is or let me convert a scanned PDF to text, respectively.

docs-zone-online-pdf-convert-tool-3The file is now processed, and I can download it from the dashboard. If you sign up premium account for this site, you can keep the converted files in your inbox and convert unlimited amount of PDF files to Excel, Word or Images.

docs-zone-online-pdf-convert-tool-4And following are the results with my conversion using Flowing option at Docs.Zone online PDF tool. As you can see, I have selected a text and I can edit the text, change font or copy it to other tools like notepad easily. Note that images, or charts will stay as images, but you can replace or copy them.


Another thing I noticed with the Exact option is that sometimes it shows distorted or unformatted text, in the Word formats, but they are editable and can be copied to other files or notepad, which should clean up its distortion.


It took about 45 seconds to upload and convert this file, which is pretty quick considering I was on a 1MBPS connection.

More importantly, the converted .Docx file was in considerably less size. So performance wise this tool is quite impressive.

Additional Features

Apart from creating and converting PDF to Word, Excel or Image files, you can also multi-select PDF files and combine them altogether with this online PDF combining tool.


Another great feature of this tool is converting web pages to PDF. Just copy the URL into following URL box, and your PDF will be ready within a second. It’s a great way to read some content later, or keep a copy of website content for future references.


The features offered by this online PDF converting / combining tool are comparable to professional PDF converting softwares. But considering a high performance tool like Docs.Zone being available online all the time, why spend huge amount paying for dedicated software?

You can try Docs.Zone for free, or considering buying it at an affordable price of $9.99/month or $99.99/year as per your needs.

One Response

  1. Helpful commentary – I learned a lot from the information , Does someone know if my assistant would be able to find a sample Combine PDF Online form to type on?