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Coping middle school stress with CircleCare family support App

Middle school can be a rough time for any kid. I’m sure everyone can remember how it felt to be so unsure of yourself, your body changing on a seemingly daily basis, and being thrust into a more grown-up world. The leap from elementary school to middle school is a huge one. For the first time, kids are changing classes, using lockers, and given more academic responsibilities than ever before. Then there are all of the social changes. Where once the kids all played together, now cliques are forming. Boys and girls are pairing up as romantic feelings start blossoming. It is a tough time for each and every generation.

This year my youngest child started sixth grade which in our county (USA) means it is his first year of middle school. The transformation has been huge! His elementary school was very tiny with only one classroom per grade level, but his middle school is quite large with multiple elementary schools feeding into it. Where last year his grade consisted of twenty-five students, this year his grade is closer to 225 students! He has had to learn to navigate new hallways, using a locker, changing classes, and playing in the band. It is a lot to become adjusted to, and some days it feels a little stressful for him. He is on the cusp of being a teenager but still hasn’t shed all of his little boy tendencies.

It is such a tough time, and I am glad that I can be there for him. I try to make sure that we spend quality time each week talking about school, friends, and his other interests. I want him to know that he can come to me with any issues that may arise. I also want him to know that I am proud of him and that I see what an excellent job he is doing in this strange new world.

One awesome way that I’ve found to send just little spot of encouragement during the day is the new badge feature on the CircleCareapp!

CircleCare is a family social networking App where families can share without worrying about who may be able to see all that personal information. My son is way too young to be hanging out on traditional social media sites, but with CircleCare, he can post pictures and message inside the closed circle to his heart’s content. Then we’re both happy! He gets to be social, and I get to know that he is secure and definitely not being massaged by strangers.

I like to send him a little badge of encouragement on days that I know he has a tricky assignment due or a test scheduled. Plus, I’m not the only one that can be in on the fun! Inside our closed network, he can get badges from his sister, his Aunt and Uncle, and even his cousins! How about some luck all the way from his grandpa in Alaska! It really helps to ease some of the worries and stresses of the dreaded middle school years…for both of us!


Guest Author: Dara

Dara is a contributing blogger at CircleCare. She lives in North Carolina, USA with her husband, her two kids, and her two cats.