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7 Tips For Boosting User Experience

The goal of user experience is to improve the visitor’s satisfaction, and you can achieve this by enhancing the efficiency, accessibility, and usability of your site. By doing this, you also affect their overall feeling towards coming to your website. Therefore, you should prioritize user experience as this is the only way you’ll attract your target audience and keep them coming back to your site.

If you don’t know how to go about doing this, worry not. Here are some useful tips that can effectively boost your site’s user experience by making it easy to use and appealing to its visitors:

1. Do Your Research

One of the first things to do is to perform research before thinking of the steps you should take to boost your target audience’s user experience. How you can go about doing this is by first determining your company’s values and primary goal. Doing this is crucial in understanding your target audience better before hiring experts from companies such as to optimize your website. Otherwise, you’ll merely be guessing when not taking this user-centered approach to search for ways to improve your site’s user experience.

After knowing your target audience, you’ll be in a better position to do more research to get more data, which are essential in developing your buyer’s persona. When doing this, there are several vital details you should determine, including:

  • What time do the visitors access your website?
  • What kind of gadgets are your site visitors using?
  • Where are the users located?

With these data on your visitors, you’ll be able to determine what’s driving them to your business. Knowing these details enables you to understand what changes should be made on the site to make it more user-friendly for different personas. Other than your site users, it would be best if you also researched your competitors. This way, you’ll get to know the strategies they employed in the past, and whether they’re effective or a failure. You’ll then be in an excellent position to cater to your users’ needs better.

2. Minimize The Clutter

You should always present your site’s details in the right amount and an easy-to-understand manner. This is crucial because the last thing you want is your users finding it hard to comprehend your site’s content, thereby considering it somewhat overwhelming. The main reason this happens is due to clutter, which is evident in different ways, including:

  • Lack of organization and contrast
  • Using needless animations
  • Wordiness
  • Excessive elements
  • Lack of white spaces

All these are things you should avoid if you’re serious about boosting your site’s user experience. With minimal clutter, your site’s design appears more visually appealing, and the content becomes a lot more readable.

3. Observe Typographic And Visual Hierarchies

Improving the readability of the text is also another vital method of making your site more user-friendly. To achieve this, you need to maintain the four levels, and these are;

  • Title (H1)
  • Headings (H2)
  • Sub-headings (H3)
  • Body text or paragraph

Other than observing these four levels above, you should also focus on these aspects:

  • Color
  • Type contrast
  • Position
  • Weight
  • Size

By putting in place a level of variation for your headings, you’ll be able to organize your site better. To achieve this, you can make the vital texts bigger, bolder, or darker, and reduce the text size with falling importance.

4. Improve Your Website’s Loading Speed

Many of your website’s visitors aren’t patient and want the pages to load within three to four seconds. Anything longer than this is deemed too slow. This can be frustrating for your visitors, who’ll most likely leave your site and never come back. In the long run, this will hurt your conversion rates.

One of the main reasons for slow loading speeds is the use of big images that only serve as small thumbnails. You can optimize these images using free tools on the Internet before uploading them onto your website. Another option you have is setting up your site on the CMS, which optimizes the images automatically.

Read also: If you don’t want your site visitors to be greeted with insecure website warnings, especially if you have an eCommerce site, learn how to fix it here.

5. Put In Place A Responsive Web Design

Another way of boosting your site’s user experience is by making the web pages more responsive. It’s best to try and achieve this to make your web pages have minimal scrolling, resizing, and panning across different gadgets, from smartphones to desktops. Doing this is essential as it improves the ease of navigating and reading. The only way you can achieve this is by putting in place a responsive web design that guarantees an ideal viewing experience. This way, all the visitors will find it easy to navigate your site, increasing the likelihood of them coming back in the future.

6. Include A Search Feature

The main goal of boosting user experience is to make it less frustrating for your users to navigate your site. This is something that visitors to your website sometimes experience when searching for something without luck. As a result, they end up leaving disappointed and annoyed, and, most likely, they’ll never come back.

To prevent this from happening, consider including a search feature on your website. With this function, your site visitors can search for whatever they’re looking for without breaking a sweat. This ease of finding useful information improves your site’s user experience.

7. Include Compelling Call To Actions (CTAs)

Although the CTA buttons might look insignificant, it plays a huge role in boosting user experience. These CTAs affect the click-through rate considerably. But, for a CTA to be effective, you need to determine the best position to place it.

Try by placing it in different positions to determine the most effective. In most cases, CTAs are more effective when placed nearer to the web pages’ top. You also need to consider slightly modifying the CTA, with some of the popular options being to change its color and font. Doing this will significantly impact the user experience of your site visitors.


Low conversation rate is usually attributed to poor user experience. And, with the intense competition in the online space, you need to implement measures to enhance your site’s user experience. Otherwise, you risk going out of business.