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5 Things to Consider When Starting a Technology Blog

Technology blogs are everywhere. And, when you consider how rapidly tech is taking over the world, it’s no surprise that technology is the most popular niche that blogging start-ups choose. Ask any aspiring bloggers which niche they would choose for their new blog, and you can guarantee that at least 50-60% would say technology. For people who know a little bit about technology, starting up a tech blog to get their thoughts, ideas and tech guides out to the world is anything but a daunting task. So, if you’re amongst the millions considering starting your own tech blog, here are a few things that you’ll need to consider in order to make sure that it stands out from the ever-growing crowd.

Regular Updates

Technology is an industry that experiences rapid growth, and doesn’t look set to slow down any time soon. When you blog about technology, you need to be prepared to keep up with this enormous growth rate – after all, nobody likes to read about outdated stuff. The problem with this is that in the tech industry, something new comes out almost every day. Whether it’s a smartphone model, new type of laptop, an innovative tablet or other tech essentials, technology updates just seem to appear one on top of the other.

Keeping Up with Trends

If you thought that keeping a tech blog was something that you could easily do part-time, you’re probably mistaken. To run an interesting, successful tech blog then it’s highly likely that you’ll need to be passionate enough to constantly keep up with the ever-changing trends in technology and be the first to know about the latest updates and new innovations in tech. Because of this, you’ll need to be seriously committed – you may even end up sitting in front of your computer for hours on end each day, simply searching for new trends in technology and soaking up the latest tech news.


Because tech blogs tend to receive more traffic than any other blog niche out there, it’s more important than ever to make sure that you choose an excellent web hosting service with plenty of good customer support. Have you ever imagined what you’d do if your blog crashes due to too much activity thanks to the latest news about Apple? When setting up a tech blog, it’s essential to invest in good web hosting and avoid free or low-price hosting at all costs. Click here for more information on a recommended web hosting service for your technology blog.


Running a tech blog means that you’ll be up against heaps and heaps of competition. Since technology is the most popular niche, you’ll need to put a lot more effort and time into perfecting your SEO techniques and strategies if you want to be anywhere near the top of the SERPs. With a tech blog, keyword research is absolutely paramount. All of the blog posts that you write should be about a specific idea – simply writing a post and expecting original traffic to flow is often a bad idea within the tech niche.

Do you have a tech blog, or are you planning to start one? Tell us about it in the comments.