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Software Development Trends in 2022

Software development trends have always changed quickly, but the current pandemic has accelerated this process. What seems like acceptable practice in software development today may not be so in the near future.

The rapid digitalization that began in 2020 will continue into 2022. We are seeing increased investment in automating repetitive processes, providing multi-channel customer service; increased attention to privacy, and greater adoption of new technologies across all sectors.

Also, if you want to get a quality application, then you should pay special attention to which software development company to choose because you need to select a team of specialists who will create a truly high-quality product. And now let’s talk about the latest trends in the world of software development.

Top Trends in Software Development

And now let’s move on to the most popular trend in the field of software development.

1. Artificial intelligence

It is easy for even a non-professional to understand what AI is. All people imagine what it is: in a broad sense, it is the development of software that thinks intelligently, like a person.

Companies providing machine learning solutions are on the rise. More and more companies are moving to AI as needed. It helps to improvise and expand business in the software market. AI is even used in healthcare: developers continue to experiment and look for solutions in this area.

2. Internet of things (IoT)

We see data generators everywhere. From the type of shoes, you wear to how you drive a car. All this colossal amount of data is used to refine and provide you with better services in the future.

How do these consumer-connected systems actually work?

They start by gathering information, an incredible amount of information. That is why companies are looking for new methods of fast and cheap data processing.

Here we take a look at edge computing, which will play an important role in 2022 by enabling IoT devices to deliver the best possible experience.

Information processing operations that are decentralized through a network of micro-data centers are commonly referred to as edge computing. In this way, firms move all information to a centralized data center, achieving significant savings in time and money.

Benefits of Edge Computing:

  • No or minimal idle time.
  • Increasing security and privacy.
  • Significant reduction in Internet traffic.
  • Savings on data management.

3. Blockchain

Blockchain technology creates a single data registry and thus simplifies many banking operations, such as financial transactions and others.

Modern services need software on the blockchain, so there is a great demand for specialists in this field. The industry is growing and many companies are entering blockchain development today.

4. Virtual reality in software development

We are following the development of virtual reality technologies with amazement.

High-end VR headsets are popping up today, though a lucky few have bought them. Sales of these high-priced toys are reported to have totaled less than one million units.

Of course, the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift caused a lot of buzzes, but the popularity of this topic in the press is several times greater than the popularity of the products themselves in the market. At least for now.

Must Read: How to Update Oculus Quest Software

Prerequisites for the development of virtual reality exist:

  • Prices are dropping rapidly.
  • Equipment becomes more convenient.
  • Content quality is improving.

It may be time for your company to find a professional VR developer. Reducing the cost of developing and operating new technology may soon make virtual reality a hit, including for e-commerce.

5. Mixed reality

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are coming together to form mixed reality. AR is showing incredible growth thanks to its integration into mobile applications. It is because of AR apps for smartphones that companies are hiring AR developers. Unlike VR, AR applications generally do not require high technical specifications from the hardware.

6. Progressive Web Apps

Websites that transform into native mobile apps are called Progressive Web Apps. A progressive web app offers the features of a traditional mobile app.

The main goal of progressive web applications is to increase user engagement and increase conversions. They can be applied to various business areas such as healthcare, banking and finance, travel, e-commerce, and media.

Progressive Web Apps are designed for mobile phones, tablets, and desktops, giving users the same seamless experience.

Experts believe that the introduction of progressive web applications optimizes loading times, and increases the number of clicks and the number of mobile device users.

Increasing load speed increases CTR, engagement, and conversion rates, which automatically gives your business superior results.

Although Progressive Web Apps have been around for years, they will become the hottest trend in software development in the future.

7. Low code development

Low-code development is a type of software and web application development similar to building a Lego brick: it’s like you’re assembling an application from individual parts.

The world of programming is filled with standards, policies, rules, and procedures that are constantly being updated and becoming more complex. All this makes it difficult to introduce new solutions for both companies and developers. Low-code development solves this problem: there is no complex code in it. Even if the client does not understand programming, he will be able to understand and customize his project on his own.

Low-code development — is a great solution for developing enterprise software and helping companies that are committed to digital transformation. However, even in 2022, low-code development will only be useful in standard business situations. If a company needs complex and complex solutions, it will not be possible to apply low-code development.

8. Attention to cybersecurity

Most business owners do not know how to protect critical information and business secrets. Therefore, one of the dominant trends in software development is the increased attention to cybersecurity.

Protecting information without compromise is what companies need today.

At least 40% of cyberattacks are against small and medium-sized businesses.

Cybersecurity needs to be taken more seriously from both the inside and outside of any business. Therefore, it is worth taking all measures to ensure the absence of system vulnerabilities at the development stage.


These trends give an idea of how the software development industry is evolving. All these trends encourage companies and developers to constantly develop.

Software development is actively engaged all over the world. Every developer needs to remember that change is necessary and inevitable. Every software consulting company should focus on growing with the trends described above.