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Dev Corner

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What Is Game Development?

You can become a game developer at any age, regardless of your initial education. It is never too late to get involved in an interesting business, thereby providing yourself with

Advantages of Java Development

Sun Microsystems invented Java coding language in 1995. The codding has been used for a quarter of a century. It serves for the production of server networks, video games, applications,

Software Testing

What to look in a Fintech Developer

Fintech Services have transformed the conventional mode of transactions. Even big sectors are turning towards Fintech tools for financial mobility. Studies show that 80% of financial transactions are carried by

IoT Device Management Guide

These days, both individuals and businesses have become reliant on technology, and this is because of our move into the digital era. As part and parcel of our move into

4 Benefits Prototyping a Mobile App

Creating mobile applications is a great stride, particularly for companies that have never been involved in app development. They involve high uncertainty levels and may be pretty expensive, a combination