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Elevation Earth iOS App Review: Explore Earth’s Terrain On Your iPhone & iPad!

I bet everyone must have seen earth in a map or globe format, and we know how many variation it does have in its terrain patterns. But if you even feel like studying or exploring these mountains or deep seas, there is no better iOS app than – Elevation Earth!

Elevation Earth iOS App Review

This app could be a great delight for people who studies Geology, or working in the similar fields, as they mostly have their theories of rock formation or patterns based on all such geographical data. Elevation Earth brings true form of the Earth in an exaggerated 3 form, that not only gives you complete idea of how earth actually is, but shows great information as well.

Where the app functions best is the 3D render view of everything is readily available to access on your iPhone or iPad. You rotate through he earth map in 3D view, pan it, zoom in or zoom out. You can go in as closer to whatever you want to know about, and then this app does its magic.

Elevation Earth iOS App -1You can explore every important hill ranges, their heights, and history that followed along the years with it. Even if you are studying the deep oceans, you can find the water levels, depth of the ocean at particular point and again, the historic events like the ‘sinking of Titanic’  happened around it.

Elevation Earth iOS App 4Each of these information pieces are also linked with important Wikipedia pages, so you further know the best information about every thing, and every place of your interests. In more features, you can also set the color schemes for various earth terrain structures, and explore the earth as you want. You can even share this high-resolution imagery with your friends and family via email, messages and Facebook.

Elevation Earth iOS App 3The overall interface looks decent on both iPhone and iPad, and navigation takes little bit used to. But once you get used to it, there is so much to explore with Elevation Earth App.

Elevation Earth iOS App -5There are more features in-depth for specialized studies like for flood analysis and management, that makes it totally worth to buy at the price of $2.99. I will highly recommend this app for people who are highly interested in geography and geology of the earth. 

Elevation Earth iOS App -2Cost: $2.99

Download Elevation Earth