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Top 5 Apps To Save Battery On Android Smartphones!

If there is one complaint with all smart phones, it is about battery. They say all great things come at a cost. Clearly the cost one pays to use some of the most amazing technological creations of today’s world is the constant worry about battery life. Battery life has become that one pointer which almost drives people to madness. This is more so because the dependency on smart phones and just phones has increased to a great extent.

Picture this – you are using the GPS on your phone to trace your route to an unknown place. Meanwhile since the journey is one that you are taking along, you are also listening to some music. There isn’t anything technically wrong or even ambitious about this. Now, as you near this dark place, off goes the battery. The phone just won’t switch back. Do you not feel at such junctures that the phone has deserted you at the absolutely wrong moment, when you needed it the most? There isn’t much fault in your thought process, even if you do end up thinking so.

With this in the mind, we bring to you some battery saver apps that will ensure that situations such as those described above will not occur.

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Top 5 Apps To Save Battery On Android

Battery Mix

Battery Mix is a mathematician! Yes you read that right. What this app does is that it constantly generates various graphs and numbers to keep you informed about how best you can utilize the remaining life of your battery. What is good about the app is that the app in itself spends no time wasting the device battery. The graphs are minimalistic with color control and therefore come in as a boon to the android user.

One Touch Battery Saver

In the one touch battery saver, the Battery Monitor shows the status of battery managing meanwhile the blue tooth, the sound and light sync and the wi fi features. There are saving modes available in this app which adjusts the usage of the battery automatically. There are as many as three battery modes that one can choose. It is a tap widget.

Battery Doc

Battery Doc or Doctor works just like a doctor does. There are constant prescriptions adorning your main home screen from which you get to choose the best plan of action with just a single tap on the screen. The success of the battery doc app lies in the fact that it has been vastly downloaded and has found to be a huge help by most users

Easy Battery Saver

The easy battery server has to its credit multiple power saver modes which go a long way in ensuring that the power is effectively saved. This too is a famous battery saving android app and interacts with the hardware to produce great results

Power Master

Finally, the last app we will discuss today is the GO Power Master. From the shelves of Android technology, this is an interactive power saving app which makes power saving a culture within your smart phone.

Here in lies the solution to discharges and blackouts. The apps ensure that you travel care free.

Following article is a guest post by Sunil Khale, who is a B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering following which he has been an avid technology blogger with PriceCheckIndia. Loves discovering new gadgets and is part of the mania that the android phones in India has brought about.