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Decoy Hide Text And Call Logs App For Your Android Smartphone [App Review]

Hiding text messages has been achieved successfully with Decoy hide text. But What if you want to make sure the text as well as the call logs of a person are hidden from your phone? There is a soultioin for this problem. There is another application from the same team called ‘Decoy hide text and call logs’ that solves this problem for your android smartphone.

‘Decoy hide text and call logs’ is an application that hides text messages as well as call logs of a selected contact. The decoy in front is an interesting one. It has a ghost detector that works. So any person who tries to use the application will feel that it is a ghost detector. But surprise, make a long click on the ghost and you get a login screen. The ‘Decoy hide text and call logs’.

How exactly does ‘Decoy Hide Text and Call Logs’ work?

1. Start the app and you get a ghost detector. Long click on the ghost and you get a log in screen where you need to enter your id and password.

2. Once inside the application, make the appropriate settings according to your requirement. There are options to hide text messages, call logs or both for selected contacts.

3. To view text messages or call logs, click on the appropriate tab.


Decoy Hide Texts & Call Logs Android App

Hide Texts & Call Logs App for Android

Features of ‘Decoy  Hide Text and Call Logs

1.Hides SMS/text messages and Call logs.

2.Password protected.

3.Disguised Notifications.

4. Make calls and send text messages via the app itself.

5.Undo send facility.

6.Conversational view for text messages.

7.Facility to delete single text messae as well the entire thread.


Price: $ 3.49 (Pro) / Free | Download The Free Version | Download The Pro Version