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How AI Is Reshaping The Future Of The Construction Industry

We understand that the construction industry is one that is a little slower to accept change in the technology realm than other sectors. And, of course, we’re never going to see the use of safety equipment such as traffic cones, barricades, and safety hi-viz equipment go away.

With this being said, some trends have made their way onto the scene and have made an impact on how companies are working on projects today.

More and more companies are adopting technology, including the use of AI (artificial intelligence), which has given them a hand up on the competition. So, how exactly has AI reshaped, and how will it continue to reshape the construction industry going forward?

Building Design Improvements

The use of CAD 3D software allows construction crews to give clients a realistic rendering of a design before they even begin working on a project.

With the best technology, there is the opportunity to show clients how a building will look, to modify the design with the client in the room, and to adjust a project before it ever gets underway.

Not only does this make it easier for construction companies to improve the design and conceptualization of the jobs they’re working on, but clients also know what to expect when they hire a company to tackle a new construction job for them.

Risk Management is Mitigated

With machine learning and AI, companies can better understand what’s necessary for them to complete a job.

If they need sub-contractors, if they need to order more supplies in advance, or cancel the order of an amount they ordered, due to the job not requiring it, this is easier to do today than it has been in the past. Companies also have the latest projection software, and the ability to see what they’ll need for a job before they ever get underway in performing any work for a client.

By mitigating risks, it not only helps keep construction sites safer, but it is also an excellent way for construction companies to avoid the risk of loss, by overspending, or maintaining inventory they don’t require, merely sitting in the stock room for months or years to come.

Project Planning

With the latest software, companies have an easier way to project what they’re going to have to do to complete a job.

Not only to get it done on time but also know how much they’re going to require to complete the job. With software today, a manager on a construction site is capable of

  • Ordering more supplies in real-time
  • Seeing where a project stands in real-time
  • Checking in on updates and checking with other managers on the job
  • Seeing if they have supplies in stock and if not, order them before commencing a job
  • Learning what is required, based upon future jobs they have done

Software today not only gives managers a clearer understanding of what they are going to need but also helps to eliminate waste, as they can see what they did in previous jobs, which were similar, like the one they are currently hired to do for a client.

Prevent Injuries

With the latest safety equipment, AI has helped to make job sites safer.

Furthermore, by using more software like drones, lifters, and machines on the job site, it is easier to reduce the total number of employees who are doing trivial tasks, which ensures it is a safer place for all who are a part of the construction crew on the job.

Not only are workers more reliable, but it is also a great way to ensure work is done promptly, without having to waste resources which were previously going to spend on jobs in the past.

There are so many ways in which technology has made an impact, and a positive one at that, in the construction industry. Companies that are resistant to change are going to find it hard to keep up moving forward. Especially given the fact that more new technologies are popping up onto the scene, and more companies are making the transition towards using these technologies to complete construction jobs for their clients.

Don’t fall behind the pack, adapt, and see how these high technologies can help your company.