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Agro2o Launches Smart Gardens with Combines Nature and Technology

In the concrete jungle we live in, everyone would like to own plants and surround their homes with greenery. But the hassle that is required for caring for the plants stops people from purchasing them. Nobody wants to come home to dead plants after a long day’s work or a weekend’s vacation. One would think that technology will help solve these problems of caring for plants.

The people at Agro2o had the same question. And when they couldn’t find a suitable answer, they came with one that made sense to them. Agro2o provides personalized and cloud-connected plug-n-play indoor Smart Garden®, incorporated with intelligent growth algorithms based on plant growth phases (germination, seedling, vegetative growth, harvest) and sensors that automatically balances light, water and nutritional ingredients at an opSmart Gardenstimal level, enabling users to take control of their health by using technology to grow fresh and pesticides-free food straight from their home without the need for manual fertilizing. Equipped with patented technology it helps in growing herbs, greens, veggies, and ornamentals. The growth of plant is around 5 times faster compare to conventional soil-based growing. The user experiences fastest possible harvest and consume cycle thus the product is of the highest quality full of essential nutrients and vitamins. With the Agro2o you can grow 12 plants at once.

The founder of Agro2o, Yash Vyas, said of the project “ I wanted to create something that would make owning a plant convenient so that more people can enjoy living in harmony with nature”. Agro2o is India’s First AI-Powered ‘Smart’ Garden Tech brand.