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Clevered Launches Asia’s First Junior Data Scientist Program

With an aim to make today’s young generation ready for tomorrow’s digital future, Clevered launches Asia’s first ever Junior Data Scientist Program for young learners. The program offers project-based learning where young learners can engage in live interactive sessions with industry experts and complete certification courses that helps them master Artificial Intelligence (AI) skills. They also get hands-on experience in using the skills to create real-life problem-solving apps for their projects.


Students attending Live AI class


With content curated by MIT and Oxford professors, Clevered ensures that every child gets the opportunity to learn from International AI curriculum to future proof their career in tomorrow’s digital world.


The unique part is teaching pedagogy which focuses on:

Short, fast paced content for better focus

Collaborative learning through Think- Pair-Share simulations

Inquiry based learning with major focus on boiler plate activities for students

Quizzes to identify the stars and evoke greater interest


Clevered not only focuses on conceptual teaching but also believes that students, while learning AI, should also be given real time exposure of participating in Hackathons, Internships and Projects. Clevered has partnered with Oxford University Professor and Teensinai to enable its student’s participation in International level Hackathons and Internships. Students also get to participate in workshops with Google and IBM Certifications.


Some of Clevered’s students have taken us by surprise in developing apps that cater to the benefit of mankind. One of Clevered’s young genius, Auhona Chakraborty, created an innovative Face Emotion Recognition App that can tell how we are feeling just by seeing the expression on our face. Another such innovation was the brainchild of Richard Shiju, a 14-year old student from Kuwait who has used AI to create a Wikipedia for the Disabled.


Clevered AI Labs (Plug and Play Platform) for schools have been helping several schools to teach AI and coding to young students with ease. It has been an effortless way to introduce AI to young school kids and kickstart their journey of learning AI. With over 3000 students who completed our Junior Data Scientist Program in 5 months, Clevered has paved the way to making AI-learning engaging, interactive, and fun!


One of our Junior AI champ’s mother shared her thoughts when her child completed the internship with Oxford University Professor, “When I got my daughter enrolled in the Clevered Junior Data Scientist Program, little did we know what was in store for us. A much-coveted chance to get mentored by an Oxford University professor! Thank you Clevered for providing this opportunity to my child to attend the internship program of Mr. Ken Kahn, a senior researcher at Oxford University. In this 3 weeks’ internship program, my child gained great experience and knowledge regarding Artificial Intelligence techniques. Her projects were highly appreciated in the program that has boosted her confidence to become a future-coder. We’re extremely content with the entire program and prouder of our young achiever.”


Kind words of praise and encouragement from parents help us to keep growing from strength to strength. To know more about Clevered’s Junior Data Scientist Program, visit


About Clevered

Two young Data Science Enthusiasts, Prateek and Manish formed Clevered in 2018 to Empower young learners with future skills through early exposure to real life application of AI. Both the founders with background of IIT – IMT Ghz have a collective experience of over 25 years in field of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence having worked with top multinationals across globe.


In short spam of 2 years, with over 25000 learners, Clevered has been trusted by Big Brands like Mahindra, PWC, Airtel Coca Cola, KMPG, RAK Bank and Petroleum Development Oman. Clevered is leveraging learning from training over 25,000 learners in AI in the Middle East and India to build AI program for teenagers.

Source: NewsVoir