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Able2Extract PDF Converter 9 Review: Batch Convert PDF To Word, Excel, PPT!

All of us have to convert that nice looking PDF file someday, sometimes for editing, sometime for modifying the content or sometimes just to get a hold of its colorful formatting. And what we do is Google the process, try to download some so-called ‘Free Converters’, that are nothing but adwares and never work. And this process of switching from tool to tool, just goes on. I can bet that everyone who is reading this article right now, has at least downloaded 5 PDF to Word converters, and hardly one of them would’ve been useful.

Well, not anymore. I have used this extremely cool software called Able2Extract PDF Converter 9 for past few days for converting some marketing PDF files into .PPT & .Docx formats, and results are quite positive.

Able2Extract PDF Converter 9 Review

This tool has very intuitive user interface, which lets you convert PDF files into Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Publisher, Open Office, HTML, Image and even AutoCAD file formats. And all of this can be accomplished with a single click. Just import the PDF and you are good to go!

Let me show you for an example. I’ve this nice colorful PDF document, which I downloaded from a digital marketing website (Hanapin Marketing) for study. I do not intend to tamper with their copyrighted content or anything I just want to get the same visual style for my next .docx file. (Note – This is just for the demonstration purpose.)


So, I selected the desired PDF file from the Menu > File > Open, and this is how it looks. It has close to 12 pages in total with some cover images, graphs and lot of text.

Able2Extract PDF Converter



From this menu, I can either ‘Select Certain Area / Pages’ or ‘Select All’, For this demo purpose I am selecting the Select All option.

Now that I have my PDF selected properly, All I have to do is click on the File Type icons, form the top bar. I’m selecting a PDF to Word conversion and it took about 9-10 seconds to render all the graphics and text into a word file. Text only books took even lesser time for far more pages.

Check out this screenshot of the word file I received. As you can see the same page is now open in a word file, and I have selected the text, which I can edit or delete completely.




In this PDF to DOCX file conversion, the images that were originally in place while creating the PDF still stayed as images. Like the graphs, this green box of statistic in above screenshot and any other additional graphic converted as an image. They wont convert to DOCX, as they were images in their raw format. But even after in that case, they are perfectly positioned, at the exact location as that of the original file.

Another thing that might alter are some symbols, If you PDF comes with some bullet points, or symbols that are not natively supported by the Microsoft Office, then you will get a replacement letters or symbols. Like in my case, all bullet points converted into the ‘n’ letter. But I was still happy, as Able2Extract managed to do the hard work involved me in conversion within just a few seconds, and that too with the 96% of the accuracy.

Like you see in the above example, even after the conversion the fonts, their respective colors, sizes and the graphics were perfectly in place, with this comprehensive conversion tool.

Apart from Word, I tried exporting the same PDF file into Powerpoint and Image, and it was flawless as well. The Advanced PDF recognition technology used in this tool, provided the granular control on the conversion process. The accuracy was very high, as good as 100% in terms of text-only PDFs.

Another advanced feature called batch file conversion can do magic for professionals, who have to go through this process manually on daily basis. You can add all the files you required to convert, and batch convert them with the one click.

Just like the PDF conversion, you can even create the PDF files right within the software very quickly. You can edit the permissions, content and any other information from the tool itself.

With so many options for conversion Able2Extract PDF Converter is now one of the top productivity tool on my list, & I will highly recommend it for people who work in content production, editing, writing or even for a home user!

Test Results –

PDF to Word, PDF to Excel, PDF to AutoCAD, PDF to Image, PDF to HTML & PDF to Image are all supported for all types of PDF files, and we have confirmed it with intensive testing.

Download Able2Extract PDF Converter 9

This comprehensive PDF Converter Tool is available for Free Trial, or You can get a 30-Day subscription version of lifetime Professional version for attractive pricing. Like I said, the software is ad-free &  works flawlessly over Windows, Mac or Linux operating system!