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TorcAI Rolls out Industry First GDPR (Privacy) Complaint Audience Data & Management Platform for Digital Publishers and Advertisers

TorcAI Digital (, a global provider of Audience Privacy & Media Management infrastructure, announced roll out of its flagship GDPR complaint Audience platform, which delivers advanced customer privacy for publishers and advertisers, also providing tools for newer revenue streams & optimization.

“In the wake of heightened scrutiny of consumer data, clearly, the data ownership lies with the publishers and advertisers and not with external third parties such as agencies, ad networks or exchanges. The data controller is the one taking permissions for profiling or targeting. Our platform ensures compliance. Besides the platform is capable to support sales, subscriptions and recommendation engines over audience data,” said Raghavendra Agarwal, Co-Founder & CTO.

Prashant Dixit, Director Sales, further added “Publishers who adhere to User Data Privacy may gain user loyalty in short to midterm. Protecting consumer’s data will give transparency and comfort to everyone including advertisers, who will seek to work with such audience and its major source publishers. It will not be an overstatement to say that the early movers will attract users and move-over give a smile on the faces of the current loyal user base.” 

Europe is implementing the toughest consumer protection laws, starting 25 May 2018, a few days from now. India is expected to follow soon this year. Consumers will have rights that require big shifts in how consumer data is stored, targeted or traded. For example, Consumers have the right to be forgotten. The controller of data should have implemented processes which can comply with such requests. Such regulations bring back the focus on Publishers of content.

About TorcAI Digital

TorcAI is a global provider of audience infrastructure platform to advertisers and publishers. The platform empowers the ad tech industry with data sciences capabilities such as onboarding, persona and data play. Please visit for details.