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Nashik IT Association Organises ProductFest 2018 on 21st November 2018

[paragraph]Nashik IT Association (NITA) is organizing ProductFest 2018 on 21s November 2018, 5 PM for individuals, IT companies, Product companies, and all IT aspirants to build long-term products & partnerships through endless digital possibilities.[paragraph]

Kumar Vembu is a co-founder of Zoho (a 300mUSD company) and Vishwas Mahajan, a serial entrepreneur and former Trustee of TiE are chief speakers at this event that is taking place at NEC, Ambad. 

Nashik IT Association is non-profit organization comprises of the apex body for 164 IT companies in Nashik. This organization has recently organized StartupFest 2018 back in October to promote the Startups Culture and encourage the youth of the city to solve problems through innovation.

Nashik is primarily known for its pilgrimage significance and as a wine capital of India. But with many great minds and industry experts who are working towards to goal to promote as next big IT & startup destination. Many events like these have been conducted in the past few years that is giving the city’s innovators the exposure they need and building infrastructure to grow the Startup culture.

What is ProductFest?

Building new products and applications is key to creating digital disruption for legacy systems on a global platform. Nashik has good infrastructure, talent, and technology capabilities to build top-notch modern digital innovations for global leaders and stakeholders. This is where the Nashik Information Technology Association or (NITA) aims to collaborate with individuals and companies to build long-term products & partnerships through endless digital possibilities.

What to expect from ProductFest 2018?

The theme of this event would extensively focus on:

Words of wisdom from renowned industry leaders and IT professionals. It would also include understanding the complete structure of product development and management that is extremely vital for any enterprise to follow whilst building new products. This event would also showcase success stories of seasoned applications and products that carved a niche in the market through exceptional ideation, skill, development, management, and marketing.

StartupFest 2018
StartupFest 2018 (Image credit –

More details about registration can be found at –

About NITA

As a non-profit organisation, Nashik IT Association is an apex body for 164 IT companies in Nashik, Maharashtra. NITA persistently catalyzing the IT industry in its journey towards structuring an innovative growth sector including the transparent business modules process and expand the Nashik IT industry globally.

NITA is looking forward to making the significant contribution in strengthening Nashik IT platform with employment opportunities, infrastructure and global visibility. With an aim to unleash IT potentials, NITA is focusing on building the trust and help in setting up the strategic trend for IT sector.

Contact information for ProductFest 2018:

Amar Thakare
+91 9960508010
Sudhir Gorade
+91 90282 88668
Nadeem Shaikh
+91 98505 56525