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DMS and CMS -What Makes Them Differ?

Understanding a Data Management System

What is a data management system? In order to provide an answer, it’s important to understand what we mean by data. Simply put, data refers to information. This information can later be used to display on a webpage or in a software program. The most common form of data we can think of might be basic information, such as our name, address, and phone number. With this definition in mind, a data management system is software used to manage and manipulate this data, by performing various operations like adding, accessing, or deleting content in the data fields. It is a system that will allow you to input your personal name or banking information into the particular system you are using. A data management system understands the queries and commands that make possible for specific information to be organized and displayed either as a back-end application,  or a client-facing website.

Understanding a Content Management System

Now let’s take a look at a content management system. This type of system manages the design, development, and content elements of digitally published content. It allows users to control the images, text, and layout of a website, blog or email without requiring complete knowledge of code. It allows data, such as pricing, HTML code, and the location of images to be changed quickly and easily. Examples of a content management system are WordPress and

Site structures and page relationships can be done by dragging and dropping elements using the provided user-friendly tools. Whether it’s a document or a template, it can be added and displayed immediately. You can easily add documents and images as well as share assets. Information can be shared and you can be connected to other cloud providers like Amazon and Dropbox. Using a web browser you can manipulate a variety of content using your mobile device or computer. Within the content management system, you can also create distinct user roles for various writing and user commenting.

A Comparison of the Two Management Systems

While content management systems and data management systems are similar in many ways, there are some important differences. A data management system deals exclusively with the storage of data, and the ways various fields of data can relate to each other. All of this information is stored in one or more databases. It allows analysts to form patterns and discover relationships, which is vital in business for understanding the customer and improving the product.

Content management systems also store data, and they all contain data management tools. The main difference between the two systems is that a content management system focuses primarily on making it easy to publish digital content.  It’s the number one method for creating websites and blogs. Key aspects of the content management system are the ability to manage social content, along with written content, images, and video assets.

Final Analysis

Within the framework of the data management system, information is confined to a database. The content management system is clearly more expansive in its effectiveness. The data management system isn’t set up for user management, control of graphical elements, or changing code like HTML and CSS.

If you are a business contemplating which management system to utilize, think carefully about what you intend to do with the information. A digital marketing company will likely need a content management system helping clients with websites and blogs.  A market research company, on the other hand, will want a data management system for collecting and analyzing customer data and establishing patterns and trends.  A growing business can often benefit from both types of systems in order to succeed.