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How Technology Will Transform the Future of Work and Workplaces, JobBuzz Helps You Find the Answers

Explore and understand the impending changes of tech-led future work world at the launch edition of JobBuzz Workplace2025 Conclave 2018. This one-day event will host India’s top business and HR leaders to rake a thoughtful debate on the possible challenges at workplaces. The event will also felicitate best new-age Indian workplaces in various categories. 

Ever imagined the future of work? What do you expect? Robots at workplaces, Artificial Intelligence taking over tasks performed by people presently? If yes, which people skills will be valued?

In a survey conducted by JobBuzz (a company review and rating platform from TimesJobs), nearly 91% employees said that their job roles have evolved in the last five years. These roles will undergo drastic changes in the next 20 years and beyond. Hence, it’s the most appropriate time to host a dialogue on the future skills and talent needs in co-relation to the future workplaces.

Welcome to #Workplace2025 where all your concepts and misapprehensions related to future jobs and workplaces will be challenged. This one-day event, Workplace2025: Technology, Talent & Transformation Conclave 2018, will bring together the torchbearers of India Inc. to draw upon the possible workforce changes and workplace challenges in year 2025. The event will be held in New Delhi on May 4, 2018.

“New-age work world will be driven by fast-paced technological advancement. Accordingly, the people needs and business needs change too. This is the right time to rake a debate about the workplace and workforce changes in the tech-led world. JobBuzz’s maiden #Workplace2025 conclave will address all related questions, doubts, concerns, challenges and outline their possible solutions as well. It will shed light on the interconnections between evolving technology, the talent dynamics and the evolution of leadership,” said Ramathreya Krishnamurthi, Business Head, TimesJobs, JobBuzz & TechGig.

Sanjay Goyal, Head of Technology and Product, TimesJobs & JobBuzz, is excited about the launch of Workplace2025. He said, “Traditionally, the Human Resources has been a paper-intensive function. How upcoming technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and data analytics will change the future workplaces in terms of people and process will be interesting to explore. We welcome everyone to come and discover the future workplace at the JobBuzz #Workplace2025 conclave. Workplace2025 conclave is a first-of-its-kind gathering of top business leaders, tech experts, HR influencers, and talent leaders to pursue the debate and find practical answers to critical questions about workplaces of future.”

The JobBuzz Workplace2025 conclave will host India’s leading CEOs, CTOs and CHROs to discuss how organisations must prepare for disruptions in recruiting, employer branding, employee engagement, learning, technology and the future workspace. The conclave will have an array of uniquely interactive sessions spread over the entire day and will conclude with JobBuzz Best New-age Workplaces Awards in various categories, including:

  • Best New-Age HR Practices
  • Best New-Age Employee Engagement Practices
  • Best Innovative Talent Management & Succession Planning
  • Best New-Age Employer for Work-Life Balance
  • Best New-Age Employer for Work Culture
  • Best New-Age Employer for Career Growth

There are People’s Choice Awards in the following categories:

  • Best New-Age Employer Branding Campaign  
  • Best New-Age Employer in Conglomerates
  • Best Innovation in Recruitment  
  • Excellence in HR Through Technology  
  • Best New-Age Employer

Be there on May 4, 2018 at the Taj Diplomatic Enclave, New Delhi and experience how technology will transform talent and workplace, at large!

Join the discussion on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn using the hashtag: #Workplace2025

For more information about the event and for registration log on to

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A well-known portal that provides information & insights about different companies, job profiles and interview processes.

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TimesJobs is a platform to help competent professionals enhance their career growth. With over 25 million registered jobseekers across the board and more than 60 million page views every month, it is the most preferred career portal among ambitious and talented professionals who want to make smarter career decisions that accelerate their career progression.