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Why Use Instagram as a Brand Promotion Tool

The amount of Instagram users is growing every day. What if to use this “live” platform for your business purposes? The largest social networks have been already used by companies to advertise their products. Perhaps it is time to look at the possibilities of Instagram, as it is a social network that can become a powerful marketing tool for brands.

What does Instagram give

Instagram in terms of its potential is a huge field of opportunities for both B2C-brands and companies oriented at the business-audience (with a well-designed marketing strategy). The marketing goals that can be achieved with the help of a standard SMM campaign, namely:

#Awareness – there is no advertising on Insta, so you have to provide high-quality pictures so that users subscribe to you;

#Loyalty – this is such an interesting thing when people appreciate your brand. Not products, not employees, but simply a brand for what it is;

#Reputation and feedback – you can make a wonderful product, but critics will still be found. Do not hesitate to respond to any messages even angry reviews.

How to Keep an Account

Before you start an Insta account, you have to understand what could be your key advantage. First of all, you have to create a coherent digital-strategy for this social network.

Check out the successful brand accounts or just bloggers with thousands of followers who might not be famous people. Each of them has some idea. Perhaps the most famous example is the account of photographer Murad Osmann and his project “Follow me”.

It is necessary to reach your audience so your profile should be interesting and useful to them – this rule applies to all social media marketing, and it also applies to Instagram.

Start from making your profile photo – vivid and memorable. It could be a company logo, some of its variations or an image within the framework of the chosen account strategy. Remember: the vast majority of users watch the tape from the screen of their smartphones, and they are quite small. You will not have a second chance to make a first impression on potential customers.


There are two types of content on Instagram: videos and photos. At the moment, the photo has a huge advantage over the video, as it requires less cost when creating and viewing. Photo content can be interesting to a wide or narrow category of people, useful or extremely entertaining. One thing is important – it must be of high quality. Use different options – collages, portraits – anything that can attract attention. Do not focus on photographing your products, think a little more widely.

Instagram is constantly presenting new ways to attract an audience. Keep track of famous trends, think globally – act locally. It is really an effective way to gain popularity among the wide audience and attract their attention to those features of your brand, product, or service, which you would like to present first. Moreover, it will attract new users, who are used to find information on Instagram rather than the other ways. Good luck!