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How to Keep Your Customer Data Protected

Loyal customers are the lifeblood of any business, whether it be products or services you are selling them. This loyalty should be rewarded with keeping their customer data as safe as possible so that hackers can’t access it and cause damage to their personal accounts. If your customer data is compromised, so is your business data, as it is just one layer that hackers need to sidestep in order to reach you. This means that having secure customer data means you are one step closer to securing business with a more trusting customer base. If you are unsure of how to keep your customer data under strict protection, make sure you take note of these key tips.

Have more than one authentication barrier

Passwords are the first thing your customer will have to get right if they want to access their personal account on your site. However, it is fast becoming true that having one password isn’t enough to keep all their data safe, which is why its best to introduce multiple authentification barriers. This could mean anything from asking them for memorable information, like the name of their first pet, to asking them to complete a robo-detection test. In any case, making authentication two-factor, or introducing layers makes it much harder for cyber threats to reach their data, which could include saved card details and personal addresses.

Encrypt their data

In businesses where monetary transactions take place, or a person’s personal information is stored on-file, encryption of their data is mandatory. Not only is it a customer’s right to have their information secured and kept hidden, but to have the promise of a business that it will do its utmost to make sure that happens. With a large number of security breaches happening in recent months, it is no surprise that customers are warier of handing their data over. Luckily, encrypting their files protects their information from cyber threats in a way nothing else does, so it’s wise to make sure this is done effectively.

Control customer access

Keeping track of customers can be a difficult task, one made almost impossible when you have a large customer base. This is why it is important for you to have software to control customer access and track it to make sure nobody else tried to gain access. This company provides the highest-quality access management services for businesses and their customers. Controlling such access means that it is only your valued customers who can access the parts of your site where their personal information is and means they will be less at risk of having their identity stolen.

Train employees to be careful

Ultimately, your employees are the ones who have control over how safe your customer data is, which is why you need to be careful in who you select to preside over it. You also need to make sure they have undergone the appropriate training so that they know how to keep customer data safe and minimize room for human error.


