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4 Mobile Marketing Tips for the Complete Noob

Mobile marketing is unique in that it lets businesses interact with their clients directly. Today, most of them use text messages, social media, or emails to promote their products and entice clients. However, this type of marketing is not just beneficial to businesses as clients also profit from it.

Many people use their phones to compare prices, and after finding a store with a favorable offer, they use mapping software to guide them to it. Others do a quick web search on a product or service before making a buying decision. Obviously, businesses and individuals cannot ignore the benefits of mobile marketing. In this article, we’re going to explore four mobile marketing tactics that even the most novice marketer can implement.

1) Use Text Marketing

Professional texting is a new marketing trend that even financial institutions have embraced. They now send sensitive information to their clients using SMS. If they can do it, any small business can, and here is how. The best way to get the most out of text marketing is to run a campaign that encourages clients to sign up and receive alerts. After joining, they get a reward. The alerts inform them on new offers or discounts, and unlike emails, they are more likely to be read. After all, people read text messages immediately, but often defer reading emails for later.

2) Develop a Mobile App

According to experts, 4 out of 5 smartphone users use apps every day. It, therefore, makes sense to create a business app and most businesses are doing just that. Apps are a great way to put a brand in the hands of its customers, but they are expensive to develop. Although this high cost puts off some entrepreneurs, most regard it as money well spent.

Even so, the cost of app development can be reduced if the app’s design is kept simple. In addition, a business should go it alone and avoid joining forces with a well-known firm that will only charge a high fee. Instead, it should hire fresh, young talent eager to showcase their skills.

3) Create a Mobile Website

A website designed for a desktop can be read from a mobile phone, but with great difficulty. In fact, it is such an unpleasant experience that the many people who use their phones to access the internet avoid such pages altogether. This spells doom for any business which lacks a mobile-friendly website. It is unwittingly turning away potential clients. For this reason, every effort should be made to create one, and lacking the know-how is no excuse for not doing so.

Also, Google has made it clear that they are trying to crack down on any website that isn’t mobile friendly, and any site that doesn’t have a good mobile alternative will see repercussions in their search engine rankings. While using old methods such as link building is still effective, you have to have a solid mobile website and focus on user experience if you want to get on Google’s good side nowadays. Companies like not only do link building, but can also assist you in updating your website to improve user experience and take a more holistic approach to SEO.

4) Use Mobile Payments

Besides using their phones to access the web, people are increasingly using them to pay for goods and services. Any business which makes it easier for them to do so is, thus, bound to be a hit with them. Fortunately, incorporating mobile payments into a business model is not at all difficult. There are many payment processing companies that offer affordable, secure, and easy-to-use services.


Mobile devices have changed how business is conducted forever. For one, they let businesses and clients interact at a level that is unprecedented in history. For the first time, businesses can promote their products to clients without passing through an intermediary. However, to make the most of mobile marketing, a business needs to use text marketing, mobile apps, mobile payments and mobile-friendly websites.