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Beginner’s Guide To Market Research And SEO

Here is a beginner’s guide to understanding the basic facts about Search Engine Optimization and Market Research. As you let your SEO services agency take the reins of your website revamping and maintenance, below are terms you need to understand about what drives numbers on the

What Can SEO Do For Your Business? 

Ranking. We’ve tackled this in detail on separate posts. But here’s an overview of it— Search Engine Optimization is about letting your website rank high on search engines. Whether that be Google, Yahoo, Bing, or their other contemporaries, SEO tools can reinforce said ranking. And with time, get you on their first pages. 

Why is this important? Studies reveal that people who go on search engines merely centre on the first top sites listed. Very few even go so far as to turn to the next N pages. SEO can aid in pushing your site to the top for maximum visibility. 

Visibility. SEO evolves around the prospect of visibility. Visibility speaks of how searchable your brand, business, and site is. Strategies in keyword planning and SEO Keyword Research may lead to the formulation (and ultimately, inclusion) of relevant keywords and phrases for your business’s general info, brand, products, services, etc. 

These relevant keywords, once analyzed, will tell you which ones are used most often when searching for brands, products, and services within your realm of operation. 

Organic Traffic. Linked to the first two terms aforementioned is “organic traffic”. Call them channels that are counted as the number of views your site receives. It’s what can essentially boost conversion. Note that more website or web page views equals more people knowing about your brand. The more people who come across it may imply higher chances of them availing of your products and/or services. 

As opposed to PPC or pay-per-click, organic traffic will redown to be much more economical that the first. Your SEO firm will help you a step at a time to analyze and monitor how your website is doing against your competition online. 

Content. Content and content marketing are among the major factors that have the power to invite potential viewers to visit your site and stay long enough to learn of what you offer, and eventually buy in. However, regularity is the key to content posting. 

You will have to make sure that you post relevant content (relevant to your enterprise) on a consistent and regular basis. People won’t want to merely re-read content you’ve published months ago. They want fresh content every single given occassion. After all, content is one of those doors that can bring about engagement. 

Social Media. Having your social media platforms melded with your website is another business and brand booster. Only, being on social media isn’t sufficient. Your social media accounts and profiles have to be professionally streamlined and organized across the board so as to sell a single message and carry a single theme. In other words, they need to be aligned with the marketing strategy of your site and its content therein. 


