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Moving Costs – What Factors You Should Consider

Moving to a new neighbourhood or a new city can be exciting. It is an opportunity to meet new people and experience new leisure activities, dining destinations, and much more. It can also be an opportunity to climb that corporate ladder on the way to the pinnacle of success. However, the process can be incredibly stressful. Many psychologists believe that relocating elevates stress to levels comparable to such life events as losing a loved one, divorce, or being made redundant. In short, relocating can cause massive amounts of anxiety.

How much does it cost to hire movers is a question that comes to everyone mind when planning to relocate. Moving is not cheap; however, some planning can help you cope with the costs associated with relocation. After all, if you can anticipate the costs, you can work them into your relocation budget in advance.

So here are some factors that need to be taken into account when planning for the financial implications of that eagerly anticipated move.

Planning for the financial implications starts with that most simple of tasks, making a list. By listing all the anticipated costs and then populating each one of these ‘master costs’ with detail, you will be able to get a universal idea of precisely what is required – and perhaps eliminate some of the unnecessary costs associated with the move. A spreadsheet is handy for this purpose. It allows you to see prices by category, subtotals as well as the total. You will also be able to balance income with each of the costs – and if required, see how the moving costs will affect the total household budget.

The first item on the list should be the costs of hiring a moving company. Several fees must be factored in. The first is the base cost of moving. This will include the labor involved, the fuel costs, and the size of the load to be transported, as well as the distance that will be travelled. It is essential to obtain quotes from at least three moving companies that offer similar services so that you can get the best value for money. The moving company will supply the information that you require. Many companies have online moving cost calculators that will assist you in calculating the base fee for your move.

All reputable moving companies will provide valuation cover for your goods. This will cover any damage that the products might suffer in transit; however, it is essential to note that this cover is not insurance. It is a good idea to check your homeowner’s insurance to see if moving cover is included, if not reach out to third-party for additional insurance cover. This is especially important if the moving company will be transporting valuable assets such as antiques. The valuation cover may not cover the full replacement value.

There are also additional charges that you might have to factor in. These can include services such as having the moving company do your packing for you (a good idea where delicate items are involved). This service can also be extremely useful if you are relocating with your appliances or computer equipment. Some of these items need to be packed extremely carefully, and an experienced moving company will have experience in this area. If you are packing things yourself, make sure to factor in the costs of items such as bubble wrap, boxes, packing tape, and markers.

There are also other types of costs associated with a move. If you are relocating across state lines and want to take your motor vehicle with you (this applies to multi-vehicle households), it might be a good idea to engage the services of a specialized auto moving company. This may very well turn out to be cheaper than asking the company that is moving your household goods to transport your motor vehicle.

If your move is to a far distant location, you will have to factor in the cost of travel for you and your family. If you choose to drive, gas costs can quickly mount up. Once again, it is a case of balancing up cost versus benefit. It may pay you to engage a specialized auto moving company and fly to your destination. That cost needs to be factored in. If you do choose to drive to a far distant location and the drive will take more than a single day, then the costs of overnight accommodation need s to be factored in.

If you are not taking all your household goods to your new home, you will have to factor in the costs of short or long term storage of the items that you are leaving behind – even if they are to follow at a later date. Once again, obtain a variety of quotes so that you can get the best deal. Make sure that you factor in the costs of getting those goods to the storage facility.

Some planning can provide a framework for calculating the financial implications of hiring movers and the overall moving process -besides, it will give you the peace of mind that allows you and your family to look forward to the move with eager anticipation rather than dread. The sooner you start to plan, the sooner you will be sleeping soundly at night.