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Easy Ways to Make Fraction in Google Docs [2024]

Enhance your document with mathematical precision using “Fraction In Google Docs.” Discover how to effortlessly incorporate fractions into your equations for accurate and visually appealing content.

You can change the font, color, size, and spacing in a document, but you don’t have to worry about how the text is presented. You type, and the words appear on the screen, just like they would in a book or on a printed page. The same is not true in Google Docs for certain types of characters, particularly mathematical ones. For example, if you want to write fraction in Google Docs, you’ll need to change the way the fractions are displayed.

Fractions are common mathematical operators that are widely used in math, science, and finance. It is extremely useful for creating mathematical and chemical equations. Google Docs has a feature that allows us to use fractions to create an equation. Can they be used in Google Docs? Let us explore!

Creating a fraction with the Equation Tool

Google Docs has an “Equation” tool that allows you to create a custom fraction, which solves the above problem and makes it: It appears to be formal writing. Here’s what you’ll need to do if you want to how to make fractions in Google Docs.

  • Even in expressions or equations, it is simple to read.
  • They resemble real math fractions that we used to see in textbooks.
  • It works perfectly for all fractions, including proper, improper, and mixed fractions.
  • A horizontal division line separates the numerator and denominator in the equation tool.

Creating a fraction in Google Docs Add-ons

For creating fractions, you can use Google Docs add-ons. In this example, we’ll use latest equation add-ons.

If you have not yet installed Latex, proceed as follows:

1. Launch any Google Docs

2. Select Add-Ons.

3. Choose Get Add-Ons.

Fraction In Google Docs

4. In the search bar, type “Auto-Latex’s Equations,” and then select “Auto-Latex Equations” from the list.

5. Choose your account and allow this add-on to see, edit, and delete Google Docs, connect to accounts, and do other things.

6. Select the Next and then the done buttons. You can now use Auto-Latex Equations.

Manually Adding Fraction in Google Docs

If you don’t mind the formatting, you can use a forward slash (/) to represent a fractional value in your text. You could, for example, write 1/2. This isn’t perfect formatting, but it will suffice for the majority of people. You could take it a step further by using special characters. In Google Docs, you can insert a number of fractional values as special characters into your documents. In Google Docs, use the following special characters to add a fraction:

  • Open your Google Docs file.
  • Place your blinking cursor where you want the fraction to appear.
  • Insert > Special characters from the menu bar.

  • Manually scroll through the special characters or enter fractions into the search bar.

  • When you’ve found a fraction character, press it to add it to your document.
  • If Google Docs doesn’t have the fraction character you’re looking for, search Google for fraction alt codes. After that, copy the character and manually paste it into your document.

How to Automatically Insert Fraction in Google Docs

If you want to speed up the process, you can set Google Docs to automatically convert your manual fractions to special characters. This method employs text substitutions to convert any pseudo fractions you type (for example, 1/2) into the corresponding special character. Google Docs is already set up to convert common fractions like these. If you want to add more fractions, you must first add them to your substitutions list.

As long as the default formatting is not changed, Google Docs is preformatted by default. You can use a forward slash between the numerator and denominator and then press enter or the space bar to auto-format and edit both the numerator and denominator variable /number. For instance, if you type 1/2 and then press the spacebar or enter, it will auto-format and the final result will look like what you see in your book. If this feature is disabled, you can enable it by following the steps below.

1 In Google Docs, go to the Tools menu.

2. Choose the Preferences option.

3.  In the following window, go to the Substitutions Tab and check Automatic Substitution to enable auto-formatting; unchecking this option disables automatic formatting.

4. Select the OK button.

5. Google-Docs-Auto-Formatting-to-generate-Fraction or you can even configure autocorrect to use different fraction symbols for this window if necessary.

You must repeat these steps for each fraction to be added. To make things easier, open a second Google Docs document in a new tab in your browser (or open the same document again). This allows you to move back and forth quickly to copy each new fraction icon to your clipboard. You can then quickly paste them into the Preferences menu before saving your changes. Open Google Docs and place the cursor where you want to make a fraction. You can create a new document or open one from Google Drive if you already have one.

Then, in the “Menu bar,” select “Insert,” followed by “Equation.” Next, select “Math Operations” from the new equation toolbar, and then select the fraction format shown in the image below: Enter the numerator and denominator numbers into the appropriate fields.  In Google Docs, this will generate a vertical fraction instead of a forward slash. Using the equation editor in Google Docs, you can create simple fractions, mixed fractions, and uncommon fractions.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)- Fraction In Google Docs

The following are some frequently asked questions about fraction in Google Docs that should help you get started.

1. Will the fractions be transferred to another app?

Yes, you can copy most of your fractions to other apps. Fractions inserted as images, on the other hand, may be incompatible with some apps and math editors.

2. Can you make your fractions bigger or smaller?

Yes, you can change the size of your fractions in Google Docs by using the Font Size option at the top. In some cases, you may need to change the size of each integer and variable individually.
If you’re using Image fractions, you’ll need to adjust the size beforehand. Resizing the image in Google Docs may result in pixilation of your fraction.

3. In Google Docs, how do you make a fraction?

To use this feature, type the fraction (for example, 1/2) and press space. Google Docs will convert the text you’ve entered into the appropriate special character for you.
You must repeat these steps for each fraction to be added. To make things easier, open a second Google Docs document in a new tab in your browser (or open the same document again).
This allows you to move back and forth quickly to copy each new fraction icon to your clipboard. You can then quickly paste them into the Preferences menu before saving your changes. In Google Docs, the equation editor can also be used to draw a horizontal line between the numerator and denominator numbers.

4. How do I use the Equation Tool in Google Docs to add a fraction?

1.Select Insert > Equation.
The Equation toolbar will appear just below another menu.
2. Make sure to click on the little arrow next to the fourth formula model. Will the popup select the first fractional math expression?
This will open the dash in the Google Docs working area; type the numerator number and press Enter; the cursor will move to the denominator; type the denominator number and press Enter. The numerator and denominator can then be edited later. You can also use font size in the docs to zoom in and out of the fraction’s fonts. Using-Equation-Tool-for-Generating-Fraction-in-Google-Docs.


This article focuses specifically on inserting fraction in Google Docs. There is no need to keep obsessing over learning new methods for inserting math operations into a document. Because of the variety of options available, using Equation or add-ons for a large math operation is preferable. The simplest options for inserting a fraction into a document are preferred. Either of these methods will be enough.


