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How Health Technology Has Evolved In The Last Decade

Healthcare technology has changed a lot in the last decade, let alone the last twenty years. Not only is it much easier to diagnose people, but as technology has grown, so has the equipment used to treat people. In fact, a lot of technology is now relied on to not only diagnose symptoms, but to also operate on people, so it’s obvious technology has become more advanced. This means that healthcare careers have become much more technical, and employees need to have sufficient degrees to be able to work with the equipment needed in their sector. Have a look below at how health technology has evolved in the last decade.

Many more cancers are treatable

Thanks to more advanced technologies, there are now more cancers that are treatable in the last decade than there were before. Screening is easier thanks to technology, and so is the removal of tumors. This means that not only has technology grown, but as technology grows so are the chances of finding a cure for cancer altogether. This still might take another decade or a lot longer to achieve, but it still gives everybody hope that someday cancer can be removed with ease, or even better, prevented altogether.

4D Ultrasound Images

2D ultrasound images was the only available option to ultrasound technicians previously but now thanks to new technology it’s possible to capture 4D pictures. This is a great advancement of technology because now technicians can give patients a much clearer view of how their babies are doing. Not only is this great for pregnant people, but it is also a stepping stone to much better ultrasound technology in the future for other patients requiring more advanced diagnostics. Now, 3D and 4D scans are only used as better scans as 2D pictures, so they are more of a souvenir than anything now, but it’s clear that the technology is improving for the better.

Average Lifespan Has Risen

Thanks to more advanced technology in the past decade, people are living a lot longer and lifespans have risen considerably. In the 1950s, the average age of death for a male was 66 years old, and for a female it was 71 years old. 50 years on and statistics have shown the average lifespan for a male was 76 years old, and 80 years old for a female. Now in 2016, the lifespan has grown even further with the average lifespan of a male 79 years old, and a female 82. This just goes to show that technology has grown massively and so has science. It could only be a matter of time before new technology is introduced that will be able to cater for even further scientific discoveries that will grow the average lifespan even further.

The above shows just how far not just technology has come over the last decade, but also the experiences of employees, and that has ultimately given people more careers in the healthcare industry. It’s going to become even more advanced in the next ten years with more scientific discoveries along the way.