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Free Broadband Internet in India

India is one of the rapidly growing telecom markets. If we compare broadband technology of India to the western countries, we have just started to flourish. Internet is now well spread in Metros and smaller cities, where as it is now also spreading well in rural India too.

The concept of free internet or broadband connection in India is quite unfamiliar where as if we consider the other countries there are tens of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are offering various types of internet for free ranging from Dial up to Broadband and even the wireless.

So, how does this actually work, Free Internet without even paying a penny to ISP?

As we know it costs around 300 Rs. for a High speed Internet Connection with sufficient download Limit. It costs around Rs 500 for Similar Wireless Connection.

These Free ISP’s actually shows us little bit ads in the sidebar for let us using the Free Broadband Connection. It comes with a readymade programs on CD’s Which after installation on User’s PC, It shows various advertises somewhere in the sidebar without much annoying your surfing. And that’s why they don’t ask you for extra bucks.

Smart, isn’t it?

They earn similar by showing the ads and one more media opens for advertisers for their product. If you’re interested you can see or buy the product. Beneficial for all the advertisers, ISPs and Users.

This concept is not yet adopted in India, But It has been heard that some are working on this, so we just have to wait and watch for this free internet connection to launch in the Indian market.