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The Most Anticipated Video Games of 2021

The year 2020 has been a nightmare of sorts. We have spent more than a year locked up inside our homes and making peace with the new normal. While we have waited with bated breath for the pandemic to come to an end, we have also shifted our gaze towards various activities in the process.

Surveys and studies have hinted at the fact that most people have whiled away their time playing different video games. These games have taken people’s minds off the surmounting cases and rising death toll, and put them at ease. Speaking of which, it must be noted that 2021 is almost at its end.

And with the end of this year, comes the hope for new beginnings. Since 2021 has proven itself to be a lucrative year for video games, in this article, we shall look into some of the most anticipated games for 2021.

Keeping in tandem with the time, it can be forecasted that the pandemic is here is to stay for a few more months till a vaccine is put to practice. Thus, there are chances of more people indulging in different video games in 2021 too. With this thought in our mind, let us now proceed to discuss the various video games that are slated for a 2021 release.

Stronghold: Warlord

The first game that we need to talk about in this article is Stronghold: Warlord. The game is not the first one in the market, and there are several other instalments of Stronghold. If you are a fan of strategy games, you shall clearly remember what Stronghold stands for! The franchise has several titles, each of which has something unique to bring to the table.

From traditional and medieval warfare to battles across the Holy deserts, Stronghold has a number of features to look forward to. Plus, if you are a fan of magic realism, the mythical creatures in this franchise shall pique your interest. Stronghold: Warlord, therefore, is one of the most anticipated games in 2021.

Far Cry 6

The next game that we have on the list is Far Cry 6. Far Cry 5 had been a wild success and earned excellent reviews from video game players. In fact, the success was so overwhelming that Ubisoft went ahead to release another instalment of the game, Far Cry 6. It is thus, a highly anticipated game in 2021.

The game is an FPS game. It takes place on a fictional Caribbean island. The game demands the player to be a guerrilla fighter and fight against the dictatorship of the island’s “El Presidente”. The game is politically charged and suffused with intricate political storylines. The game is slated to be released on February 18, which means that fans do not have to wait for long to get their hands on this wildly popular franchise.

Halo Infinite

The third game that we have on the list is that of Halo Infinite. If you have been a die-hard fan and follower of the Master Chief’s saga, you are about to be rewarded with one of the best game of 2021. It is true that several online gaming and gambling portals, like, with their brilliant array of games, have made quite some sound in 2020. However, none could beat the excitement that Halo Infinite had created.

The video game was supposed to be released at the fag end of 2020. However, keeping up with the horrible year that 2020 turned out to be, the launch was pushed to 2021. However, the excitement for the game has not been diluted even in the slightest.

There is very little known as of now about the plot of the game. And the only thing we know is that the game shall continue the story of the franchise, which is enough good news.

Resident Evil Village

We do not need to mention how popular the franchise of Resident Evil is. It is one of the longest-standing games in the world, belonging to the horror genre. The seventh instalment of the game was a roaring success, which is what has led to the increased excitement for the next instalment. Resident Evil Village is all set to take place a few years post the events of its previous instalment.

Ethan, the protagonist of the last instalment, shall remain in the spotlight and further the gameplay in this instalment too. Therefore, if fans are on the edge of their seats, it is definitely for a good enough reason.

Wrapping Up:

The aforementioned games are the most anticipated video games in 2021. It is now only a wait of mere months before the actions start unfolding before our eyes, and we understand how well the games are faring in the market. Until then, we must do our research and try to gather as much information about the games, so that when the time comes, we can start playing with panache and gusto.